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Now SaraiH8297 Abram'sH87 wifeH802 boreH3205 him noH3808 children: and she had an handmaid,H8198 an Egyptian,H4713 whose nameH8034 was Hagar.H1904
And SaraiH8297 saidH559 to Abram,H87 BeholdH2009 now,H4994 the LORDH3068 has restrainedH6113 me from bearing:H3205 I prayH4994 you, goH935 in to my maid;H8198 it mayH194 be that I may obtainH1129 childrenH1129 by her. And AbramH87 listenedH8085 to the voiceH6963 of Sarai.H8297
And SaraiH8297 Abram'sH87 wifeH802 tookH3947 HagarH1904 her maidH8198 the Egyptian,H4713 afterH7093 AbramH87 had dwelledH3427 tenH6235 yearsH8141 in the landH776 of Canaan,H3667 and gaveH5414 her to her husbandH376 AbramH87 to be his wife.H802
And he wentH935 in to Hagar,H1904 and she conceived:H2029 and when she sawH7200 that she had conceived,H2029 her mistressH1404 was despisedH7043 in her eyes.H5869
And SaraiH8297 saidH559 to Abram,H87 My wrongH2555 be on you: I have givenH5414 my maidH8198 into your bosom;H2436 and when she sawH7200 that she had conceived,H2029 I was despisedH7043 in her eyes:H5869 the LORDH3068 judgeH8199 betweenH996 me and you.
But AbramH87 saidH559 to Sarai,H8297 Behold,H2009 your maidH8198 is in your hand;H3027 doH6213 to her as it pleasesH2896 H5869 you. And when SaraiH8297 dealt hardlyH6031 with her, she fledH1272 from her face.H6440
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 foundH4672 her by a fountainH5869 of waterH4325 in the wilderness,H4057 by the fountainH5869 in the wayH1870 to Shur.H7793
And he said,H559 Hagar,H1904 Sarai'sH8297 maid,H8198 from whereH335 H2088 cameH935 you? and whereH575 will you go?H3212 And she said,H559 I fleeH1272 from the faceH6440 of my mistressH1404 Sarai.H8297
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 to her, ReturnH7725 to your mistress,H1404 and submitH6031 yourself underH8478 her hands.H3027
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 to her, I will multiplyH7235 your seedH2233 exceedingly,H7235 that it shall not be numberedH5608 for multitude.H7230
And the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 saidH559 to her, Behold,H2009 you are with child H2030and shall bearH3205 a son,H1121 and shall callH7121 his nameH8034 Ishmael;H3458 becauseH3588 the LORDH3068 has heardH8085 your affliction.H6040
And he will be a wildH6501 man;H120 his handH3027 will be against everyH3605 man, and everyH3605 man's handH3027 against him; and he shall dwellH7931 in the presenceH6440 of all his brothers.H251
And she calledH7121 the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068 that spokeH1696 to her, You GodH410 seeH7210 me: for she said,H559 Have I alsoH1571 hereH1988 lookedH7200 afterH310 him that seesH7210 me?
WhyH5921 H3651 the wellH875 was calledH7121 Beerlahairoi;H883 behold,H2009 it is betweenH996 KadeshH6946 and Bered.H1260
And HagarH1904 boreH3205 AbramH87 a son:H1121 and AbramH87 calledH7121 his son'sH1121 name,H8034 whichH834 HagarH1904 bore,H3205 Ishmael.H3458
And AbramH87 was fourscoreH8084 and sixH8337 yearsH8141 old,H1121 when HagarH1904 boreH3205 IshmaelH3458 to Abram.H87
Родился в 1965 году в Запорожской области, на Украине. В августе 1987 года принял святое водное крещение. В 1997 году был избран на диаконское служение.
Григорий Кронин
Главный Пастор
Родился в Киргизии, в г. Фрунзе. Вырос в большой христианской семье. С малых лет родители и бабушка познакомили Александра с Богом Создателем и Спасителем Иисусом Христом.
Александр Тишенко
Деннис Смирнов