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And the LORDH3068 appearedH7200 to him in the plainsH436 of Mamre:H4471 and he satH3427 in the tentH168 doorH6607 in the heatH2527 of the day;H3117
And he liftH5375 up his eyesH5869 and looked,H7200 and, see,H2009 threeH7969 menH582 stoodH5324 by him: and when he sawH7200 them, he ranH7323 to meetH7125 them from the tentH168 door,H6607 and bowedH7812 himself toward the ground,H776
And said,H559 My LORD,H136 ifH518 nowH4994 I have foundH4672 favorH2580 in your sight,H5869 passH5674 not away, I prayH4994 you, from your servant:H5650
Let a littleH4592 water,H4325 I prayH4994 you, be fetched,H3947 and washH7364 your feet,H7272 and restH8172 yourselves underH8478 the tree:H6086
And I will fetchH3947 a morselH6595 of bread,H3899 and comfortH5582 you your hearts;H3820 afterH310 that you shall passH5674 on: for thereforeH5921 H3651 are you comeH5674 to your servant.H5650 And they said,H1696 SoH3651 do,H6213 as you have said.H1696
And AbrahamH85 hastenedH4116 into the tentH168 to Sarah,H8283 and said,H559 Make readyH4116 quicklyH4116 threeH7969 measuresH5429 of fineH5560 meal,H7058 H5560 kneadH3888 it, and makeH6213 cakesH5692 on the hearth.H3820
And AbrahamH85 ranH7323 to the herd,H1241 and fetchedH3947 a calfH1121 H1241 tenderH7390 and good,H2896 and gaveH5414 it to a youngH5288 man; and he hurriedH4116 to dressH6213 it.
And he tookH3947 butter,H2529 and milk,H2461 and the calfH1121 H1241 whichH834 he had dressed,H6213 and setH5414 it beforeH6440 them; and he stoodH5975 by them underH8478 the tree,H6086 and they did eat.H398
And they saidH559 to him, WhereH346 is SarahH8283 your wife?H802 And he said,H559 Behold,H2009 in the tent.H168
And he said,H559 I will certainlyH7725 returnH7725 to you according to the timeH6256 of life;H2416 and, see,H2009 SarahH8283 your wifeH802 shall have a son.H1121 And SarahH8283 heardH8085 it in the tentH168 door,H6607 whichH1931 was behindH310 him.
Now AbrahamH85 and SarahH8283 were oldH2205 and well strickenH935 in age;H3117 and it ceasedH2308 to be with SarahH8283 after the mannerH734 of women.H802
Therefore SarahH8283 laughedH6711 withinH7130 herself, saying,H559 AfterH310 I am waxed oldH1086 shall I haveH1961 pleasure,H5730 my lordH113 being oldH2204 also?
And the LORDH3068 saidH559 to Abraham,H85 WhyH4100 did SarahH8283 laugh,H6711 saying,H559 Shall I of a suretyH552 bearH3205 a child, whichH589 am old?H2204
Is any thingH1697 too hardH6381 for the LORD?H3068 At the time appointedH4150 I will returnH7725 to you, according to the timeH6256 of life,H2416 and SarahH8283 shall have a son.H1121
Then SarahH8283 denied,H3584 saying,H559 I laughedH6711 not; for she was afraid.H3372 And he said,H559 No;H3808 but you did laugh.H6711
And the menH582 roseH6965 up from there,H8033 and lookedH8259 towardH5921 H6440 Sodom:H5467 and AbrahamH85 wentH1980 with them to bringH7971 them on the way.H7971
And the LORDH3068 said,H559 Shall I hideH3680 from AbrahamH85 that thing whichH834 I do;H6213
Seeing that AbrahamH85 shall surely becomeH1961 a greatH1419 and mightyH6099 nation,H1471 and allH3605 the nationsH1471 of the earthH776 shall be blessedH1288 in him?
For I knowH3045 him, that he will commandH6680 his childrenH1121 and his householdH1004 afterH310 him, and they shall keepH8104 the wayH1870 of the LORD,H3068 to doH6213 justiceH6666 and judgment;H4941 that the LORDH3068 may bringH935 on AbrahamH85 that whichH834 he has spokenH1696 of him.
And the LORDH3068 said,H559 BecauseH3588 the cryH2201 of SodomH5467 and GomorrahH6017 is great,H7227 and becauseH3588 their sinH2403 is veryH3966 grievous;H3513
I will goH3381 downH3381 now,H4994 and seeH7200 whether they have doneH6213 altogetherH3617 according to the cryH6818 of it, which is comeH935 to me; and ifH518 not, I will know.H3045
And the menH582 turnedH6437 their faces from there,H8033 and wentH3212 toward Sodom:H5467 but AbrahamH85 stoodH5975 yetH5750 beforeH6440 the LORD.H3068
And AbrahamH85 drew near,H5066 and said,H559 Will you alsoH637 destroyH5595 the righteousH6662 with the wicked?H7563
PeradventureH194 there be fiftyH2572 righteousH6662 withinH8432 the city:H5892 will you alsoH637 destroyH5595 and not spareH5375 the placeH4725 for the fiftyH2572 righteousH6662 that are therein?H7130
That be farH2486 from you to doH6213 afterH3651 thisH2088 manner,H1697 to slayH4191 the righteousH6662 with the wicked:H7563 and that the righteousH6662 should be as the wicked,H7563 that be farH2486 from you: Shall not the JudgeH8199 of allH3605 the earthH776 doH6213 right?H4941
And the LORDH3068 said,H559 IfH518 I findH4672 in SodomH5467 fiftyH2572 righteousH6662 withinH8432 the city,H5892 then I will spareH5375 allH3605 the placeH4725 for their sakes.H5668
And AbrahamH85 answeredH6030 and said,H559 BeholdH2009 now,H4994 I have takenH2974 on me to speakH1696 to the LORD,H136 whichH595 am but dustH6083 and ashes:H665
PeradventureH194 there shall lackH2637 fiveH2568 of the fiftyH2572 righteous:H6662 will you destroyH7843 allH3605 the cityH5892 for lack of five?H2568 And he said,H559 IfH518 I findH4672 thereH8033 fortyH705 and five,H2568 I will not destroyH7843 it.
And he spokeH1696 to him yetH5750 again,H3254 and said,H559 PeradventureH194 there shall be fortyH705 foundH4672 there. And he said,H559 I will not doH6213 it for forty'sH705 sake.H5668
And he saidH559 to him, OhH4994 let not the LORDH136 be angry,H2734 and I will speak:H1696 PeradventureH194 thereH8033 shall thirtyH7970 be foundH4672 there.H8033 And he said,H559 I will not doH6213 it, ifH518 I findH4672 thirtyH7970 there.H8033
And he said,H559 BeholdH2009 now,H4994 I have takenH2974 on me to speakH1696 to the LORD:H136 PeradventureH194 thereH8033 shall be twentyH6242 foundH4672 there.H8033 And he said,H559 I will not destroyH7843 it for twenty'sH6242 sake.H5668
And he said,H559 OhH4994 let not the LORDH136 be angry,H2734 and I will speakH1696 yetH389 but thisH6471 once:H6471 PeradventureH194 tenH6235 shall be foundH4672 there.H8033 And he said,H559 I will not destroyH7843 it for ten'sH6235 sake.H5668
And the LORDH3068 wentH3212 his way,H3212 as soonH834 as he had leftH3615 communingH1696 with Abraham:H85 and AbrahamH85 returnedH7725 to his place.H4725
Родился в 1965 году в Запорожской области, на Украине. В августе 1987 года принял святое водное крещение. В 1997 году был избран на диаконское служение.
Григорий Кронин
Главный Пастор
Родился в Киргизии, в г. Фрунзе. Вырос в большой христианской семье. С малых лет родители и бабушка познакомили Александра с Богом Создателем и Спасителем Иисусом Христом.
Александр Тишенко
Деннис Смирнов