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IfH3588 a manH376 shall stealH1589 an ox,H7794 orH176 a sheep,H7716 and killH2873 it, orH176 sellH4376 it; he shall restoreH7999 fiveH2568 oxenH1241 for an ox,H7794 and fourH702 sheepH6629 for a sheep.H7716
IfH518 a thiefH1590 be foundH4672 breakingH4290 up, and be smittenH5221 that he die,H4191 there shall noH369 bloodH1818 be shed for him.
IfH518 the sunH8121 be risenH2224 on him, there shall be bloodH1818 shed for him; for he should make fullH7999 restitution;H7999 ifH518 he have nothing,H369 then he shall be soldH4376 for his theft.H1591
IfH518 the theftH1591 be certainly foundH4672 in his handH3027 alive, whetherH5704 it be ox,H7794 orH5704 ass,H2543 orH5704 sheep;H7716 he shall restoreH7999 double.H8147
IfH518 a manH376 shall cause a fieldH7704 orH176 vineyardH3754 to be eaten,H1197 and shall putH7971 in his beast,H1165 and shall feedH1197 in anotherH312 man'sH312 field;H7704 of the bestH4315 of his own field,H7704 and of the bestH4315 of his own vineyard,H3754 shall he make restitution.H7999
IfH3588 fireH784 breakH3318 out, and catchH4672 in thorns,H6975 so that the stacksH1430 of corn, orH176 the standingH7054 corn,H7054 orH176 the field,H7704 be consumedH398 therewith; he that kindledH1197 the fireH1200 shall surely make restitution.H7999
IfH3588 a manH376 shall deliverH5414 to his neighborH7453 moneyH3701 orH176 stuffH3627 to keep,H8104 and it be stolenH1589 out of the man'sH376 house;H1004 ifH518 the thiefH1590 be found,H4672 let him payH7999 double.H8147
IfH518 the thiefH1590 be not found,H4672 then the masterH1167 of the houseH1004 shall be broughtH7126 to the judges,H430 to see whetherH518 H3808 he have putH7971 his handH3027 to his neighbor'sH7453 goods.H4399
For allH3605 mannerH1697 of trespass,H6588 whether it be for ox,H7794 for ass,H2543 for sheep,H7716 for raiment,H8008 or for anyH3605 manner of lostH9 thing whichH834 another challengesH559 to be his, the causeH1697 of bothH8147 parties shall comeH935 beforeH5704 the judges;H430 and whomH834 the judgesH430 shall condemn,H7561 he shall payH7999 doubleH8147 to his neighbor.H7453
IfH3588 a manH376 deliverH5414 to his neighborH7453 an ass,H2543 orH176 an ox,H7794 orH176 a sheep,H7716 orH176 anyH3605 beast,H929 to keep;H8104 and it die,H4191 orH176 be hurt,H7665 orH176 drivenH7617 away, noH369 man seeingH7200 it:
Then shall an oathH7621 of the LORDH3068 be betweenH996 them both,H8147 that he has not putH7971 his handH3027 to his neighbor'sH7453 goods;H4399 and the ownerH1167 of it shall acceptH3947 thereof, and he shall not make it good.H7999
And ifH518 it be stolenH1589 from him, he shall make restitutionH7999 to the ownerH1167 thereof.
IfH518 it be tornH2963 in pieces, then let him bringH935 it for witness,H5707 and he shall not make goodH7999 that which was torn.H2966
And ifH3588 a manH376 borrowH7592 ought of his neighbor,H7453 and it be hurt,H7665 orH176 die,H4191 the ownerH1167 thereof being not with it, he shall surely make it good.H7999
But ifH518 the ownerH1167 thereof be with it, he shall not make it good:H7999 ifH518 it be an hiredH7916 thing, it cameH935 for his hire.H7939
And ifH3588 a manH376 enticeH6601 a maidH1330 that is not betrothed,H781 and lieH7901 with her, he shall surely endowH4117 her to be his wife.H802
IfH518 her fatherH1 utterly refuseH3985 to giveH5414 her to him, he shall payH8254 moneyH3701 according to the dowryH4119 of virgins.H1330
You shall not suffer a witchH3784 to live.H2421
WhoeverH3605 liesH7901 with a beastH929 shall surely be put to death.H4191
He that sacrificesH2076 to any god,H430 saveH1115 to the LORDH3068 only,H905 he shall be utterly destroyed.H2763
You shall neitherH3808 vexH3238 a stranger,H1616 norH3808 oppressH3905 him: for you were strangersH1616 in the landH776 of Egypt.H4714
You shall not afflictH6031 anyH3605 widow,H490 or fatherlessH3490 child.
IfH518 you afflictH6031 them in any wise,H6031 and they cryH6817 at all to me, I will surely hearH8085 their cry;H6818
And my wrathH639 shall wax hot,H2734 and I will killH2026 you with the sword;H2719 and your wivesH802 shall be widows,H490 and your childrenH1121 fatherless.H3490
IfH518 you lendH3867 moneyH3701 to any of my peopleH5971 that is poorH6041 by you, you shall not be to him as an usurer,H5383 neitherH3808 shall you layH7760 on him usury.H5392
IfH518 you at all takeH2254 your neighbor'sH7453 raimentH8008 to pledge,H2254 you shall deliverH7725 it to him by that the sunH8121 goesH935 down:H935
For that is his coveringH3682 only,H905 it is his raimentH8071 for his skin:H5785 whereinH4100 shall he sleep?H7901 and it shall comeH1961 to pass, whenH3588 he criesH6817 to me, that I will hear;H8085 for I am gracious.H2587
You shall not revileH7043 the gods,H430 norH3808 curseH779 the rulerH5387 of your people.H5971
You shall not delayH309 to offer the firstH4395 of your ripe fruits,H4395 and of your liquors:H1831 the firstbornH1060 of your sonsH1121 shall you giveH5414 to me.
LikewiseH3651 shall you doH6213 with your oxen,H7794 and with your sheep:H6629 sevenH7651 daysH3117 it shall be with his dam;H517 on the eighthH8066 dayH3117 you shall giveH5414 it me.
And you shall be holyH6944 menH582 to me: neitherH3808 shall you eatH398 any fleshH1320 that is tornH2966 of beastsH2966 in the field;H7704 you shall castH7993 it to the dogs.H3611
Родился в 1965 году в Запорожской области, на Украине. В августе 1987 года принял святое водное крещение. В 1997 году был избран на диаконское служение.
Григорий Кронин
Главный Пастор
Родился в Киргизии, в г. Фрунзе. Вырос в большой христианской семье. С малых лет родители и бабушка познакомили Александра с Богом Создателем и Спасителем Иисусом Христом.
Александр Тишенко
Деннис Смирнов