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And the LORDH3068 spokeH1696 to Moses,H4872 saying,H559
SpeakH1696 to allH3605 the congregationH5712 of the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 and sayH559 to them, You shall be holy:H6918 for I the LORDH3068 your GodH430 am holy.H6918
You shall fearH3372 every manH376 his mother,H517 and his father,H1 and keepH8104 my sabbaths:H7676 I am the LORDH3068 your God.H430
TurnH6437 you not to idols,H457 norH3808 makeH6213 to yourselves moltenH4541 gods:H430 I am the LORDH3068 your God.H430
And ifH3588 you offerH2076 a sacrificeH2077 of peaceH8002 offerings to the LORD,H3068 you shall offerH2076 it at your own will.H7522
It shall be eatenH398 the same dayH3117 you offerH2077 it, and on the morrow:H4283 and if ought remainH3498 untilH5704 the thirdH7992 day,H3117 it shall be burntH8313 in the fire.H784
And ifH518 it be eatenH398 at all on the thirdH7992 day,H3117 it is abominable;H6292 it shall not be accepted.H7521
Therefore every one that eatsH398 it shall bearH5375 his iniquity,H5771 becauseH3588 he has profanedH2490 the hallowedH6944 thing of the LORD:H3068 and that soulH5315 shall be cutH3772 off from among his people.H5971
And when you reapH7114 the harvestH7105 of your land,H776 you shall not whollyH3615 reap the cornersH6285 of your field,H7704 neither shall you gatherH3950 the gleaningsH3951 of your harvest.H7105
And you shall not gleanH5953 your vineyard,H3754 neitherH3808 shall you gatherH3950 every grapeH6528 of your vineyard;H3754 you shall leaveH5800 them for the poorH6041 and stranger:H1616 I am the LORDH3068 your God.H430
You shall not steal,H1589 neitherH3808 deal falsely,H3584 neitherH3808 lieH8266 oneH376 to another.H5997
And you shall not swearH7650 by my nameH8034 falsely,H8267 neither shall you profaneH2490 the nameH8034 of your God:H430 I am the LORD.H3068
You shall not defraudH6231 your neighbor,H7453 neitherH3808 robH1497 him: the wagesH6468 of him that is hiredH7916 shall not abideH3885 with you all night untilH5704 the morning.H1242
You shall not curseH7043 the deaf,H2795 norH3808 putH5414 a stumbling blockH4383 beforeH6440 the blind,H5787 but shall fearH3372 your God:H430 I am the LORD.H3068
You shall doH6213 noH3808 unrighteousnessH5766 in judgment:H4941 you shall not respectH5375 the personH6440 of the poor,H1800 norH3808 honorH1921 the personH6440 of the mighty:H1419 but in righteousnessH6664 shall you judgeH8199 your neighbor.H5997
You shall not goH3212 up and down as a talebearerH7400 among your people:H5971 neitherH3808 shall you standH5975 againstH5921 the bloodH1818 of your neighbor;H7453 I am the LORD.H3068
You shall not hateH8130 your brotherH251 in your heart:H3824 you shall in any wiseH3198 rebukeH3198 your neighbor,H5997 and not sufferH5375 sinH2399 on him.
You shall not avenge,H5358 norH3808 bearH5201 any grudgeH5201 against the childrenH1121 of your people,H5971 but you shall loveH157 your neighborH7453 as yourself: I am the LORD.H3068
You shall keepH8104 my statutes.H2708 You shall not let your cattleH929 engenderH7250 with a diverseH3610 kind: you shall not sowH2232 your fieldH7704 with mingledH3610 seed: neitherH3808 shall a garmentH899 mingledH3610 of linenH8162 and woolenH8162 comeH5927 on you.
And whoeverH376 H834 liesH7901 carnallyH7902 H2233 with a woman,H802 that is a female slave,H8198 betrothedH2778 to an husband,H376 and not at all redeemed,H6299 norH3808 freedomH2668 givenH5414 her; she shall be scourged;H1244 they shall not be put to death,H4191 becauseH3588 she was not free.H2666
And he shall bringH935 his trespassH817 offering to the LORD,H3068 to the doorH6607 of the tabernacleH168 of the congregation,H4150 even a ramH352 for a trespassH817 offering.
And the priestH3548 shall make an atonementH3722 for him with the ramH352 of the trespassH817 offering beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 for his sinH2403 whichH834 he has done: and the sinH2403 which he has done shall be forgivenH5545 him.
And whenH3588 you shall comeH935 intoH413 the land,H776 and shall have plantedH5193 allH3605 manner of treesH6086 for food,H3978 then you shall count the fruitH6529 thereof as uncircumcised:H6189 threeH7969 yearsH8141 shall it be as uncircumcisedH6189 to you: it shall not be eatenH398 of.
But in the fourthH7243 yearH8141 allH3605 the fruitH6529 thereof shall be holyH6944 to praiseH1974 the LORDH3068 with.
And in the fifthH2549 yearH8141 shall you eatH398 of the fruitH6529 thereof, that it may yieldH3254 to you the increaseH8393 thereof: I am the LORDH3068 your God.H430
You shall not eatH398 any thing with the blood:H1818 neitherH3808 shall you useH5172 enchantment,H5172 norH3808 observeH6049 times.
You shall not roundH5362 the cornersH6285 of your heads,H7218 neitherH3808 shall you marH7843 the cornersH6285 of your beard.H2206
You shall not makeH5414 any cuttingsH8296 in your fleshH1320 for the dead,H5315 norH3808 printH5414 any marksH7085 on you: I am the LORD.H3068
Do not prostituteH2490 your daughter,H1323 to cause her to be a whore;H2181 lestH3808 the landH776 fall to prostitution,H2181 and the landH776 becomeH4390 fullH4390 of wickedness.H2154
You shall keepH8104 my sabbaths,H7676 and reverenceH3372 my sanctuary:H4720 I am the LORD.H3068
RegardH6437 not them that have familiar spirits,H178 neitherH408 seekH1245 afterH413 wizards,H3049 to be defiledH2930 by them: I am the LORDH3068 your God.H430
You shall riseH6965 up beforeH6440 the hoaryH7872 head, and honorH1921 the faceH6440 of the oldH2205 man, and fearH3372 your God:H430 I am the LORD.H3068
And ifH3588 a strangerH1616 sojournH1481 with you in your land,H776 you shall not vexH3238 him.
But the strangerH1616 that dwellsH1481 with you shall be to you as one bornH249 amongH854 you, and you shall loveH157 him as yourself; for you were strangersH1616 in the landH776 of Egypt:H4714 I am the LORDH3068 your God.H430
You shall doH6213 noH3808 unrighteousnessH5766 in judgment,H4941 in length,H4060 in weight,H4948 or in measure.H4884
JustH6664 balances,H3976 justH6664 weights,H68 a justH6664 ephah,H374 and a justH6664 hin,H1969 shall you have:H1961 I am the LORDH3068 your God,H430 whichH834 broughtH3318 you out of the landH776 of Egypt.H4714
Therefore shall you observeH8104 allH3605 my statutes,H2708 and allH3605 my judgments,H4941 and doH6213 them: I am the LORD.H3068
Родился в 1965 году в Запорожской области, на Украине. В августе 1987 года принял святое водное крещение. В 1997 году был избран на диаконское служение.
Григорий Кронин
Главный Пастор
Родился в Киргизии, в г. Фрунзе. Вырос в большой христианской семье. С малых лет родители и бабушка познакомили Александра с Богом Создателем и Спасителем Иисусом Христом.
Александр Тишенко
Деннис Смирнов