And an angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 cameH5927 up from GilgalH1537 to Bochim,H1066 and said,H559 I made you to goH5927 up out of Egypt,H4714 and have broughtH935 you to the landH776 whichH834 I sworeH7650 to your fathers;H1 and I said,H559 I will neverH3808 H5769 breakH6565 my covenantH1285 with you.
And you shall makeH3772 noH3808 leagueH1285 with the inhabitantsH3427 of thisH2063 land;H776 you shall throwH5422 downH5422 their altars:H4196 but you have not obeyedH8085 my voice:H6963 whyH4100 have you doneH6213 this?H2063
Why I alsoH1571 said,H559 I will not driveH1644 them out from beforeH6440 you; but they shall be as thorns in your sides,H6654 and their godsH430 shall be a snareH4170 to you.
And it cameH1961 to pass, when the angelH4397 of the LORDH3068 spokeH1696 theseH428 wordsH1697 to allH3605 the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 that the peopleH5971 liftedH5375 up their voice,H6963 and wept.H1058
And they calledH7121 the nameH8034 of that placeH4725 Bochim:H1066 and they sacrificedH2076 thereH8033 to the LORD.H3068
And when JoshuaH3091 had let the peopleH5971 go,H7971 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 wentH3212 every manH376 to his inheritanceH5159 to possessH3423 the land.H776
And the peopleH5971 servedH5647 the LORDH3068 allH3605 the daysH3117 of Joshua,H3091 and allH3605 the daysH3117 of the eldersH2205 that outlivedH748 Joshua,H3091 whoH834 had seenH7200 allH3605 the greatH1419 worksH4639 of the LORD,H3068 that he didH6213 for Israel.H3478
And Joshua H3091the sonH1121 of Nun,H5126 the servantH5650 of the LORD,H3068 died,H4191 being an hundredH3967 and tenH6235 yearsH8141 old.H1121
And they buriedH6912 him in the borderH1366 of his inheritanceH5159 in Timnathheres,H8556 in the mountH2022 of Ephraim,H669 on the northH6828 side of the hillH2022 Gaash.H1608
And alsoH1571 allH3605 that generationH1755 were gatheredH622 to their fathers:H1 and there aroseH6965 anotherH312 generationH1755 afterH310 them, whichH834 knewH3045 not the LORD,H3068 norH1571 yetH1571 the worksH4639 whichH834 he had doneH6213 for Israel.H3478
And the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 didH6213 evilH7451 in the sightH5869 of the LORD,H3068 and servedH5647 Baalim:H1168
And they forsookH5800 the LORDH3068 GodH430 of their fathers,H1 which broughtH3318 them out of the landH776 of Egypt,H4714 and followedH3212 H310 otherH312 gods,H430 of the godsH430 of the peopleH5971 that were roundH5439 about them, and bowedH7812 themselves to them, and provoked the LORDH3068 to anger.H3707
And they forsookH5800 the LORD,H3068 and servedH5647 BaalH1168 and Ashtaroth.H6252
And the angerH639 of the LORDH3068 was hotH2734 against Israel,H3478 and he deliveredH5414 them into the handsH3027 of spoilersH8154 that spoiledH8155 them, and he soldH4376 them into the handsH3027 of their enemiesH341 roundH5439 about, so that they couldH3201 not any longerH5750 standH5975 beforeH6440 their enemies.H341
WhereverH3605 H834 they wentH3318 out, the handH3027 of the LORDH3068 was against them for evil,H7451 as the LORDH3068 had said,H1696 and as the LORDH3068 had swornH7650 to them: and they were greatlyH3966 distressed.H3334
Nevertheless the LORDH3068 raisedH6965 up judges,H8199 which deliveredH3467 them out of the handH3027 of those that spoiledH8154 them.
And yetH1571 they would not listenH8085 to their judges,H8199 but they went a whoringH2181 afterH310 otherH312 gods,H430 and bowedH7812 themselves to them: they turnedH5493 quicklyH4118 out of the wayH1870 whichH834 their fathersH1 walkedH1980 in, obeyingH8085 the commandmentsH4687 of the LORD;H3068 but they didH6213 not so.H3651
And whenH3588 the LORDH3068 raisedH6965 them up judges,H8199 then the LORDH3068 was with the judge,H8199 and deliveredH3467 them out of the handH3027 of their enemiesH341 allH3605 the daysH3117 of the judge:H8199 for it repentedH5162 the LORDH3068 becauseH6440 of their groaningsH5009 by reason of them that oppressedH3905 them and vexedH1766 them.
And it cameH1961 to pass, when the judgeH8199 was dead,H4191 that they returned,H7725 and corruptedH7843 themselves more than their fathers,H1 in followingH3212 H310 otherH312 godsH430 to serveH5647 them, and to bowH7812 downH7812 to them; they ceasedH5307 not from their own doings,H4611 nor from their stubbornH7186 way.H1870
And the angerH639 of the LORDH3068 was hotH2734 against Israel;H3478 and he said,H559 BecauseH3282 that thisH2088 peopleH1471 has transgressedH5674 my covenantH1285 whichH834 I commandedH6680 their fathers,H1 and have not listenedH8085 to my voice;H6963
I alsoH1571 will not from now onH3254 driveH3423 out any from beforeH6440 them of the nationsH1471 whichH834 JoshuaH3091 leftH5800 when he died:H4191
That through them I may proveH5254 Israel,H3478 whether they will keepH8104 the wayH1870 of the LORDH3068 to walkH3212 therein, as their fathersH1 did keepH8104 it, or not.
Therefore the LORDH3068 leftH5117 thoseH428 nations,H1471 withoutH1115 drivingH3423 them out hastily;H4118 neitherH3808 deliveredH5414 he them into the handH3027 of Joshua.H3091