At that time,H6256 saidH5002 the LORD,H3068 they shall bringH3318 out the bonesH6106 of the kingsH4428 of Judah,H3063 and the bonesH6106 of his princes,H8269 and the bonesH6106 of the priests,H3548 and the bonesH6106 of the prophets,H5030 and the bonesH6106 of the inhabitantsH3427 of Jerusalem,H3389 out of their graves:H6913
And they shall spreadH7849 them before the sun,H8121 and the moon,H3394 and allH3605 the hostH6635 of heaven,H8064 whomH834 they have loved,H157 and whomH834 they have served,H5647 and afterH310 whomH834 they have walked,H1980 and whom they have sought,H1875 and whomH834 they have worshipped:H7812 they shall not be gathered,H622 norH3808 be buried;H6912 they shall be for dungH1828 on the faceH6440 of the earth.H127
And deathH4194 shall be chosenH977 rather than lifeH2416 by allH3605 the residueH7611 of them that remainH7604 of thisH2063 evilH7451 family,H4940 which remainH7604 in allH3605 the placesH4725 whereH834 H8033 I have drivenH5080 them, saidH5002 the LORDH3068 of hosts.H6635
Moreover you shall sayH559 to them, ThusH3541 saidH559 the LORD;H3068 Shall they fall,H5307 and not arise?H6965 shall he turnH7725 away, and not return?H7725
WhyH4069 then is thisH2088 peopleH5971 of JerusalemH3389 slidH7725 backH7725 by a perpetualH5331 backsliding?H4878 they holdH2388 fast deceit,H8649 they refuseH3985 to return.H7725
I listenedH8085 and heard,H8085 but they spokeH1696 not aright:H3651 noH369 manH376 repentedH5162 him of his wickedness,H7451 saying,H559 WhatH4100 have I done?H6213 everyH3605 one turnedH7725 to his course,H4794 as the horseH5483 rushesH7857 into the battle.H4421
Yes,H1571 the storkH2624 in the heavenH8064 knowsH3045 her appointedH4150 times;H6256 and the turtleH8449 and the craneH5483 and the swallowH5693 observeH8104 the timeH6256 of their coming;H935 but my peopleH5971 knowH3045 not the judgmentH4941 of the LORD.H3068
HowH349 do you say,H559 We are wise,H2450 and the lawH8451 of the LORDH3068 is with us? See,H2009 certainlyH403 in vainH8267 madeH6213 he it; the penH5842 of the scribesH5608 is in vain.H8267
The wiseH2450 men are ashamed,H954 they are dismayedH2865 and taken: see,H2009 they have rejectedH3988 the wordH1697 of the LORD;H3068 and whatH4100 wisdomH2451 is in them?
ThereforeH3651 will I giveH5414 their wivesH802 to others,H312 and their fieldsH7704 to them that shall inheritH3423 them: for everyH3605 one from the leastH6996 even to the greatestH1419 is given to covetousness,H1215 from the prophetH5030 even to the priestH3548 everyH3605 one dealsH6213 falsely.H8267
For they have healedH7495 the hurtH7667 of the daughterH1323 of my peopleH5971 slightly,H7043 saying,H559 Peace,H7965 peace;H7965 when there is noH369 peace.H7965
Were they ashamedH954 whenH3588 they had committedH6213 abomination?H8441 no,H1571 they were not at all ashamed,H954 neitherH3808 couldH3045 they blush:H3637 thereforeH3651 shall they fallH5307 among them that fall:H5307 in the timeH6256 of their visitationH6486 they shall be castH3782 down,H3782 saidH559 the LORD.H3068
I will surely consumeH5486 them, saidH5002 the LORD:H3068 there shall be noH369 grapesH6025 on the vine,H1612 norH369 figsH8384 on the figH8384 tree, and the leafH5929 shall fade;H5034 and the things that I have givenH5414 them shall passH5674 away from them.
WhyH5921 H4100 do we sitH3427 still? assembleH622 yourselves, and let us enterH935 intoH413 the defendedH4013 cities,H5892 and let us be silentH1826 there:H8033 for the LORDH3068 our GodH430 has put us to silence,H1826 and given us waterH4325 of gallH7219 to drink,H8248 becauseH3588 we have sinnedH2398 against the LORD.H3068
We lookedH6960 for peace,H7965 but noH369 goodH2896 came; and for a timeH6256 of health,H4832 and beholdH2009 trouble!H1205
The snortingH5170 of his horsesH5483 was heardH8085 from Dan:H1835 the wholeH3605 landH776 trembledH7493 at the soundH6963 of the neighingH4684 of his strongH47 ones; for they are come,H935 and have devouredH398 the land,H776 and allH4393 that is in it; the city,H5892 and those that dwellH3427 therein.
For, behold,H2005 I will sendH7971 serpents,H5175 cockatrices,H6848 among you, whichH834 will not be charmed,H3908 and they shall biteH5391 you, saidH5002 the LORD.H3068
When I would comfortH4010 myself against sorrow,H3015 my heartH3820 is faintH1742 in me.
BeholdH2009 the voiceH6963 of the cryH7775 of the daughterH1323 of my peopleH5971 because of them that dwell in a farH4801 country:H776 Is not the LORDH3068 in Zion?H6726 is not her kingH4428 in her? WhyH4069 have they provoked me to angerH3707 with their gravenH6456 images, and with strangeH5236 vanities?H1892
The harvestH7105 is past,H5674 the summerH7019 is ended,H3615 and we are not saved.H3467
For the hurtH7667 of the daughterH1323 of my peopleH5971 am I hurt;H7665 I am black;H6937 astonishmentH8047 has takenH2388 holdH2388 on me.
Is there noH369 balmH6875 in Gilead;H1568 is there noH369 physicianH7495 there?H8033 whyH4069 thenH3588 is not the healthH724 of the daughterH1323 of my peopleH5971 recovered?H5927