The burdenH4853 of Egypt.H4714 Behold,H2009 the LORDH3068 ridesH7392 on a swiftH7031 cloud,H5645 and shall comeH935 into Egypt:H4714 and the idolsH457 of EgyptH4714 shall be movedH5128 at his presence,H6440 and the heartH3824 of EgyptH4714 shall meltH4549 in the middleH7130 of it.
And I will setH5526 the EgyptiansH4714 against the Egyptians:H4714 and they shall fightH3898 everyH376 oneH376 against his brother,H251 and everyH376 oneH376 against his neighbor;H7453 cityH5892 against city,H5892 and kingdomH4467 against kingdom.H4467
And the spiritH7307 of EgyptH4714 shall failH1238 in the middleH7130 thereof; and I will destroyH1104 the counselH6098 thereof: and they shall seekH1875 to the idols,H457 and to the charmers,H328 and to them that have familiar spirits,H178 and to the wizards.H3049
And the EgyptiansH4714 will I giveH5534 overH5534 into the handH3027 of a cruelH7186 lord;H113 and a fierceH5794 kingH4428 shall ruleH4910 over them, saidH5002 the Lord,H113 the LORDH3068 of hosts.H6635
And the watersH4325 shall failH5405 from the sea,H3220 and the riverH5104 shall be wastedH2717 and driedH3001 up.
And they shall turnH2186 the riversH5104 far away; and the brooksH2975 of defenseH4692 shall be emptiedH1809 and driedH2717 up: the reedsH7070 and flagsH5488 shall wither.H7060
The paperH6169 reeds by the brooks,H2975 by the mouthH6310 of the brooks,H2975 and everyH3605 thing sownH4218 by the brooks,H2975 shall wither,H3001 be drivenH5086 away, and be noH369 more.
The fishersH1771 also shall mourn,H578 and allH3605 they that castH7993 angleH2443 into the brooksH2975 shall lament,H56 and they that spreadH6566 netsH4364 on the watersH4325 shall languish.H535
Moreover they that workH5647 in fineH8305 flax,H6593 and they that weaveH707 networks,H2355 shall be confounded.H954
And they shall be brokenH1792 in the purposesH8356 thereof, allH3605 that makeH6213 sluicesH7938 and pondsH99 for fish.H5315
SurelyH389 the princesH8269 of ZoanH6814 are fools,H191 the counselH6098 of the wiseH2450 counsellorsH3289 of PharaohH6547 is becomeH1197 brutish:H1197 howH349 sayH559 you to Pharaoh,H6547 I am the sonH1121 of the wise,H2450 the sonH1121 of ancientH6924 kings?H4428
WhereH335 are they? whereH645 are your wiseH2450 men? and let them tellH5046 you now,H4994 and let them knowH3045 whatH4100 the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 has purposedH3289 on Egypt.H4714
The princesH8269 of ZoanH6814 are becomeH2973 fools,H2973 the princesH8269 of NophH5297 are deceived;H5377 they have also seducedH8582 Egypt,H4714 even they that are the stayH6438 of the tribesH7626 thereof.
The LORDH3068 has mingledH4537 a perverseH5773 spiritH7307 in the middleH7130 thereof: and they have caused EgyptH4714 to errH8582 in everyH3605 workH4639 thereof, as a drunkenH7910 man staggersH8582 in his vomit.H6892
NeitherH3808 shall there be any workH4639 for Egypt,H4714 which the headH7218 or tail,H2180 branchH3712 or rush,H100 may do.H6213
In that dayH3117 shall EgyptH4714 be like to women:H802 and it shall be afraidH2729 and fearH6342 becauseH6440 of the shakingH8573 of the handH3027 of the LORDH3068 of hosts,H6635 whichH834 he shakesH5130 overH5921 it.
And the landH127 of JudahH3063 shall be a terrorH2283 to Egypt,H4714 everyH3605 one that makes mentionH2142 thereof shall be afraidH6342 in himself, becauseH6440 of the counselH6098 of the LORDH3068 of hosts,H6635 whichH834 he has determinedH3289 againstH5921 it.
In that dayH3117 shall fiveH2568 citiesH5892 in the landH776 of EgyptH4714 speakH1696 the languageH8193 of Canaan,H3667 and swearH7650 to the LORDH3068 of hosts;H6635 oneH259 shall be called,H559 The cityH5892 of destruction.H2041
In that dayH3117 shall there be an altarH4196 to the LORDH3068 in the middleH8432 of the landH776 of Egypt,H4714 and a pillarH4676 atH681 the borderH1366 thereof to the LORD.H3068
And it shall be for a signH226 and for a witnessH5707 to the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 in the landH776 of Egypt:H4714 for they shall cryH6817 to the LORDH3068 becauseH6440 of the oppressors,H3905 and he shall sendH7971 them a savior,H3467 and a greatH7227 one, and he shall deliverH5337 them.
And the LORDH3068 shall be knownH3045 to Egypt,H4714 and the EgyptiansH4714 shall knowH3045 the LORDH3068 in that day,H3117 and shall doH5647 sacrificeH2077 and oblation;H4503 yes, they shall vowH5087 a vowH5088 to the LORD,H3068 and performH7999 it.
And the LORDH3068 shall smiteH5062 Egypt:H4714 he shall smiteH5062 and healH7495 it: and they shall returnH7725 even to the LORD,H3068 and he shall be entreatedH6279 of them, and shall healH7495 them.
In that dayH3117 shall there be a highwayH4546 out of EgyptH4714 to Assyria,H804 and the AssyrianH804 shall comeH935 into Egypt,H4714 and the EgyptianH4714 into Assyria,H804 and the EgyptiansH4714 shall serveH5647 with the Assyrians.H804
In that dayH3117 shall IsraelH3478 be the thirdH7992 with EgyptH4714 and with Assyria,H804 even a blessingH1293 in the middleH7130 of the land:H776
WhomH834 the LORDH3068 of hostsH6635 shall bless,H1288 saying,H559 BlessedH1288 be EgyptH4714 my people,H5971 and AssyriaH804 the workH4639 of my hands,H3027 and IsraelH3478 my inheritance.H5159