The wordH1697 of the LORDH3068 cameH1961 also to me, saying,
You shall not takeH3947 you a wife,H802 neitherH3808 shall you have sonsH1121 or daughtersH1323 in thisH2088 place.H4725
For thusH3541 saidH559 the LORDH3068 concerningH5921 the sonsH1121 and concerningH5921 the daughtersH1323 that are bornH3205 in thisH2088 place,H4725 and concerningH5921 their mothersH517 that boreH3205 them, and concerningH5921 their fathersH1 that begatH3205 them in thisH2088 land;H776
They shall dieH4191 of grievousH8463 deaths;H4463 they shall not be lamented;H5594 neitherH3808 shall they be buried;H6912 but they shall be as dungH1828 on the faceH6440 of the earth:H127 and they shall be consumedH3615 by the sword,H2719 and by famine;H7458 and their carcassesH5038 shall be meatH3978 for the fowlsH5775 of heaven,H8064 and for the beastsH929 of the earth.H776
For thusH3541 saidH559 the LORD,H3068 EnterH935 not into the houseH1004 of mourning,H4798 neitherH3808 goH3212 to lamentH5594 norH3808 bemoanH5110 them: for I have takenH622 away my peaceH7965 from thisH2088 people,H5971 saidH5002 the LORD,H3068 evenH853 loving kindnessH2617 and mercies.H7356
Both the greatH1419 and the smallH6996 shall dieH4191 in thisH2063 land:H776 they shall not be buried,H6912 neitherH3808 shall men lamentH5594 for them, norH3808 cutH1413 themselves, norH3808 make themselves baldH7139 for them:
NeitherH3808 shall men tearH6536 themselves for them in mourning,H60 to comfortH5162 them for the dead;H4191 neitherH3808 shall men give them the cupH3563 of consolationH8575 to drinkH8248 for their fatherH1 or for their mother.H517
You shall not also goH935 into the houseH1004 of feasting,H4960 to sitH3427 with them to eatH398 and to drink.H8354
For thusH3541 saidH559 the LORDH3068 of hosts,H6635 the GodH430 of Israel;H3478 Behold,H2005 I will cause to ceaseH7673 out of thisH2088 placeH4725 in your eyes,H5869 and in your days,H3117 the voiceH6963 of mirth,H8342 and the voiceH6963 of gladness,H8057 the voiceH6963 of the bridegroom,H2860 and the voiceH6963 of the bride.H3618
And it shall comeH1961 to pass, whenH3588 you shall showH5046 thisH2088 peopleH5971 allH3605 theseH428 words,H1697 and they shall sayH559 to you, WhyH5921 H4100 has the LORDH3068 pronouncedH1696 allH3605 thisH2063 greatH1419 evilH7451 againstH5921 us? or whatH4100 is our iniquity?H5771 or whatH4100 is our sinH2403 that we have committedH2398 against the LORDH3068 our God?H430
Then shall you sayH559 to them, BecauseH5921 H834 your fathersH1 have forsakenH5800 me, saidH5002 the LORD,H3068 and have walkedH3212 afterH310 otherH312 gods,H430 and have servedH5647 them, and have worshippedH7812 them, and have forsakenH5800 me, and have not keptH8104 my law;H8451
And you have doneH6213 worseH7489 than your fathers;H1 for, behold,H2009 you walkH1980 everyH376 oneH376 afterH310 the imaginationH8307 of his evilH7451 heart,H3820 that they may not listenH8085 to me:
Therefore will I castH2904 you out of thisH2063 landH776 intoH5921 a landH776 that you knowH3045 not, neither you nor your fathers;H1 and thereH8033 shall you serveH5647 otherH312 godsH430 dayH3119 and night;H3915 whereH834 I will not showH5414 you favor.H2594
Therefore,H3651 behold,H2009 the daysH3117 come,H935 saidH5002 the LORD,H3068 that it shall noH3808 moreH5750 be said,H559 The LORDH3068 lives,H2416 that broughtH5927 up the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 out of the landH776 of Egypt;H4714
But, The LORDH3068 lives,H2416 that broughtH5927 up the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 from the landH776 of the north,H6828 and from allH3605 the landsH776 whereH834 H8033 he had drivenH5080 them: and I will bringH7725 them againH7725 intoH5921 their landH127 that I gaveH5414 to their fathers.H1
Behold,H2005 I will sendH7971 for manyH7227 fishers,H1728 saidH5002 the LORD,H3068 and they shall fishH1770 them; and afterH310 will I sendH7971 for manyH7227 hunters,H6719 and they shall huntH6679 them from everyH3605 mountain,H2022 and from everyH3605 hill,H1389 and out of the holesH5357 of the rocks.H5553
For my eyesH5869 are on allH3605 their ways:H1870 they are not hidH5641 from my face,H6440 neitherH3808 is their iniquityH5771 hidH6845 from my eyes.H5869
And firstH7223 I will recompenseH7999 their iniquityH5771 and their sinH2403 double;H4932 becauseH5921 they have defiledH2490 my land,H776 they have filledH4390 my inheritanceH5159 with the carcassesH5038 of their detestableH8251 and abominableH8441 things.
O LORD,H3068 my strength,H5797 and my fortress,H4581 and my refugeH4498 in the dayH3117 of affliction,H6869 the GentilesH1471 shall comeH935 to you from the endsH657 of the earth,H776 and shall say,H559 SurelyH389 our fathersH1 have inheritedH5157 lies,H8267 vanity,H1892 and things wherein there is noH369 profit.H3276
Shall a manH120 makeH6213 godsH430 to himself, and they are noH3808 gods?H430
Therefore,H3651 behold,H2005 I will thisH2063 onceH6471 cause them to know,H3045 I will cause them to knowH3045 my handH3027 and my might;H1369 and they shall knowH3045 that my nameH8034 is The LORD.H3068