In the thirdH7969 yearH8141 of the reignH4438 of JehoiakimH3079 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 cameH935 NebuchadnezzarH5019 kingH4428 of BabylonH894 to Jerusalem,H3389 and besiegedH6696 it.
And the LordH136 gaveH5414 JehoiakimH3079 kingH4428 of JudahH3063 into his hand,H3027 with partH7117 of the vesselsH3627 of the houseH1004 of God:H430 which he carriedH935 into the landH776 of ShinarH8152 to the houseH1004 of his god;H430 and he broughtH935 the vesselsH3627 into the treasureH214 houseH1004 of his god.H430
And the kingH4428 spokeH559 to AshpenazH828 the masterH7227 of his eunuchs,H5631 that he should bringH935 certain of the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 and of the king'sH4410 seed,H2233 and of the princes;H6579
ChildrenH3206 in whomH834 H1992 was noH369 blemish,H3971 but wellH2896 favored,H4758 and skillfulH7919 in allH3605 wisdom,H2451 and cunningH3045 in knowledge,H1847 and understandingH995 science,H4093 and such as had abilityH3581 in them to standH5975 in the king'sH4428 palace,H1964 and whom they might teachH3925 the learningH5612 and the tongueH3956 of the Chaldeans.H3779
And the kingH4428 appointedH4487 them a dailyH3117 provisionH1697 of the king'sH4428 meat,H6598 and of the wineH3196 which he drank:H4960 so nourishingH1431 them threeH7969 years,H8141 that at the endH7117 thereof they might standH5975 beforeH6440 the king.H4428
Now among theseH1992 were of the childrenH1121 of Judah,H3063 Daniel,H1840 Hananiah,H2608 Mishael,H4332 and Azariah:H5838
To whomH1992 the princeH8269 of the eunuchsH5631 gaveH7760 names:H8034 for he gaveH7760 to DanielH1840 the nameH8034 of Belteshazzar;H1095 and to Hananiah,H2608 of Shadrach;H7714 and to Mishael,H4332 of Meshach;H4335 and to Azariah,H5838 of Abednego.H5664
But DanielH1840 purposedH7760 in his heartH3820 that he would not defileH1351 himself with the portionH6598 of the king'sH4428 meat,H6598 nor with the wineH3196 which he drank:H4960 therefore he requestedH1245 of the princeH8269 of the eunuchsH5631 that he might not defileH1351 himself.
Now GodH430 had broughtH5414 DanielH1840 into favorH2617 and tender love with the princeH8269 of the eunuchs.H5631
And the princeH8269 of the eunuchsH5631 saidH559 to Daniel,H1840 I fearH3373 my lordH113 the king,H4428 whoH834 has appointedH4487 your meatH3978 and your drink:H4960 for whyH4100 should he seeH7200 your facesH6440 worseH2196 liking thanH4480 the childrenH3206 whichH834 are of your sort?H1524 then shall you make me endangerH2325 my headH7218 to the king.H4428
Then saidH559 DanielH1840 to Melzar,H4453 whomH834 the princeH8269 of the eunuchsH5631 had setH4487 overH5921 Daniel,H1840 Hananiah,H2608 Mishael,H4332 and Azariah,H5838
ProveH5254 your servants,H5650 I beseechH4994 you, tenH6235 days;H3117 and let them giveH5414 us vegetablesH2235 to eat,H398 and waterH4325 to drink.H8354
Then let our countenancesH4758 be lookedH7200 on beforeH6440 you, and the countenanceH4758 of the childrenH3206 that eatH398 of the portionH6598 of the king'sH4428 meat:H6598 and as you see,H7200 dealH6213 with your servants.H5650
So he consentedH8085 to them in thisH2088 matter,H1697 and provedH5254 them tenH6235 days.H3117
And at the endH7117 of tenH6235 daysH3117 their countenancesH4758 appearedH7200 fairerH2896 and fatterH1277 in fleshH1320 thanH4480 allH3605 the childrenH3206 which did eatH398 the portionH6598 of the king'sH4428 meat.H6598
Thus MelzarH4453 tookH5375 away the portionH6598 of their meat,H6598 and the wineH3196 that they should drink;H4960 and gaveH5414 them vegetables.H2235
As for theseH428 fourH702 children,H3206 GodH430 gaveH5414 them knowledgeH4093 and skillH7919 in allH3605 learningH5612 and wisdom:H2451 and DanielH1840 had understandingH995 in allH3605 visionsH2377 and dreams.H2472
Now at the endH7117 of the daysH3117 that the kingH4428 had saidH559 he should bringH935 them in, then the princeH8269 of the eunuchsH5631 broughtH935 them in beforeH6440 Nebuchadnezzar.H5019
And the kingH4428 communedH1696 with them; and among them allH3605 was foundH4672 noneH3808 like Daniel,H1840 Hananiah,H2608 Mishael,H4332 and Azariah:H5838 therefore stoodH5975 they beforeH6440 the king.H4428
And in allH3605 mattersH1697 of wisdomH2451 and understanding,H998 that the kingH4428 inquiredH1245 of them, he foundH4672 them tenH6235 times betterH3027 thanH5921 allH3605 the magiciansH2748 and astrologersH825 that were in allH3605 his realm.H4438
And DanielH1840 continuedH1961 even to the firstH259 yearH8141 of kingH4428 Cyrus.H3566