Then sangH7891 DeborahH1683 and BarakH1301 the sonH1121 of AbinoamH42 on that day,H3117 saying,H559
PraiseH1288 you the LORDH3068 for the avengingH6544 H6546 of Israel,H3478 when the peopleH5971 willinglyH5068 offered themselves.
Hear,H8085 O you kings;H4428 give ear,H238 O you princes;H7336 I, even I, will singH7891 to the LORD;H3068 I will singH2167 praise to the LORDH3068 GodH430 of Israel.H3478
LORD,H3068 when you wentH3318 out of Seir,H8165 when you marchedH6805 out of the fieldH7704 of Edom,H123 the earthH776 trembled,H7493 and the heavensH8064 dropped,H5197 the cloudsH5645 alsoH1571 droppedH5197 water.H4325
The mountainsH2022 meltedH5140 from beforeH6440 the LORD,H3068 even that SinaiH5514 from beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 GodH430 of Israel.H3478
In the daysH3117 of ShamgarH8044 the sonH1121 of Anath,H6067 in the daysH3117 of Jael,H3278 the highwaysH734 were unoccupied,H2308 and the travelersH1980 H5410 walkedH3212 through byways.H734 H6128
The inhabitants of the villagesH6520 ceased,H2308 they ceasedH2308 in Israel,H3478 untilH5704 that I DeborahH1683 arose,H6965 that I aroseH6965 a motherH517 in Israel.H3478
They choseH977 newH2319 gods;H430 thenH227 was warH3901 in the gates:H8179 was there a shieldH4043 or spearH7420 seenH7200 among fortyH705 thousandH505 in Israel?H3478
My heartH3820 is toward the governorsH2710 of Israel,H3478 that offered themselves willinglyH5068 among the people.H5971 BlessH1288 you the LORD.H3068
Speak,H7878 you that rideH7392 on whiteH6715 asses,H860 you that sitH3427 in judgment,H4055 and walkH1980 by the way.H1870
They that are delivered from the noiseH6963 of archersH2686 in the places of drawingH4857 water, there shall they rehearseH8567 the righteousH6666 acts of the LORD,H3068 even the righteousH6666 acts toward the inhabitants of his villagesH6520 in Israel:H3478 then shall the peopleH5971 of the LORDH3068 goH3381 downH3381 to the gates.H8179
Awake,H5782 awake,H5782 Deborah:H1683 awake,H5782 awake,H5782 utterH1696 a song:H7892 arise,H6965 Barak,H1301 and lead your captivityH7628 captive,H7617 you sonH1121 of Abinoam.H42
ThenH227 he made him that remainsH8300 have dominionH7287 over the noblesH117 among the people:H5971 the LORDH3068 made me have dominionH7287 over the mighty.H1368
Out of EphraimH669 was there a rootH8328 of them against Amalek;H6002 afterH310 you, Benjamin,H1144 among your people;H5971 out of MachirH4353 cameH3381 downH3381 governors,H2710 and out of ZebulunH2074 they that handleH4900 the penH7626 of the writer.H5608
And the princesH8269 of IssacharH3485 were with Deborah;H1683 even Issachar,H3485 and alsoH3651 Barak:H1301 he was sentH7971 on footH7272 into the valley.H6010 For the divisionsH6391 of ReubenH7205 there were greatH1419 thoughtsH2711 of heart.H3820
WhyH4100 stayedH3427 you amongH996 the sheepfolds,H4942 to hearH8085 the bleatingsH8292 of the flocks?H5739 For the divisionsH6391 of ReubenH7205 there were greatH1419 searchingsH2714 of heart.H3820
GileadH1568 stayedH7931 beyondH5676 Jordan:H3383 and whyH4100 did DanH1835 remainH1481 in ships?H591 AsherH836 continuedH3427 on the seaH3220 shore,H2348 and stayedH7931 in his breaches.H4664
ZebulunH2074 and NaphtaliH5321 were a peopleH5971 that riskedH2778 their livesH5315 to the deathH4191 in the highH4791 places of the field.H7704
The kingsH4428 cameH935 and fought,H3898 thenH227 foughtH3898 the kingsH4428 of CanaanH3667 in TaanachH8590 by the watersH4325 of Megiddo;H4023 they tookH3947 noH3808 gainH1214 of money.H3701
They foughtH3898 from heaven;H8064 the starsH3556 in their coursesH4546 foughtH3898 againstH5973 Sisera.H5516
The riverH5158 of KishonH7028 sweptH1640 them away, that ancientH6917 river,H5158 the riverH5158 Kishon.H7028 O my soul,H5315 you have troddenH1869 down strength.H5797
ThenH227 were the horse hoofsH6119 H5483 brokenH1986 by the means of the prancings,H1726 the prancingsH1726 of their mightyH47 ones.
CurseH779 you Meroz,H4789 saidH559 the angelH4397 of the LORD,H3068 curseH779 you bitterlyH779 the inhabitantsH3427 thereof; becauseH3588 they cameH935 not to the helpH5833 of the LORD,H3068 to the helpH5833 of the LORDH3068 against the mighty.H1368
BlessedH1288 above womenH802 shall JaelH3278 the wifeH802 of HeberH2268 the KeniteH7017 be, blessedH1288 shall she be above womenH802 in the tent.H168
He askedH7592 water,H4325 and she gaveH5414 him milk;H2461 she broughtH7126 forthH7126 butterH2529 in a lordlyH117 dish.H5602
She putH7971 her handH3027 to the nail,H3489 and her rightH3225 handH3225 to the workmen'sH6001 hammer;H1989 and with the hammer she smoteH1986 Sisera,H5516 she smoteH4277 off his head,H7218 when she had piercedH4272 and strickenH2498 through his temples.H7541
AtH996 her feetH7272 he bowed,H3766 he fell,H5307 he layH7901 down:H7901 atH996 her feetH7272 he bowed,H3766 he fell:H5307 whereH834 he bowed,H3766 thereH8033 he fellH5307 down dead.H7703
The motherH517 of SiseraH5516 lookedH8259 out atH1157 a window,H2474 and criedH2980 throughH1157 the lattice,H822 WhyH4069 is his chariotH7393 so longH954 in coming?H935 whyH4069 tarryH309 the wheelsH6471 of his chariots?H4818
Her wiseH2450 ladiesH8282 answeredH6030 her, yes,H637 she returnedH7725 answerH559 to herself,
Have they not sped?H4672 have they not dividedH2505 the prey;H7998 to everyH7218 manH1397 a damselH7356 or two; to SiseraH5516 a preyH7998 of diversH6648 colors,H6648 a preyH7998 of diversH6648 colorsH6648 of needlework,H7553 of diversH6648 colorsH6648 of needleworkH7553 on both sides, meet for the necksH6677 of them that take the spoil?H7998
SoH3651 let allH3605 your enemiesH341 perish,H6 O LORD:H3068 but let them that loveH157 him be as the sunH8121 when he goesH3318 forthH3318 in his might.H1369 And the landH776 had restH8252 fortyH705 years.H8141