Friday, 21 April 2017 16:29

Happy Thai New Year!!

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Dear Church, our brothers and sisters in Christ,
Happy Thai New Year!!
Praise the LORD FOR:
Football ministry:A new insight during this season of our lives is that a football player and a missionary are a lot  alike. They both have a strong goal to win, practice hard, learnhow to work in team, and give 100% in any weather conditions, even when hurt or tired.

Young teenage boys are one of the challenging groups of people to reachfor Christ. One of the reasons is because they spend lots of time playing video games. This year, as a result of your prayers and God’s guidance, San had an opportunity to start a football ministry.It was a blessed time preparing the team of young boys, through which there were opportunities to share about God and teach them to pray. In the beginning they didn’t feel comfortable because most of them never prayed before, but later they were glad to ask God for blessings and thank Him.  One day before prayer, one of the boys asked, “May I not say “Amen” at the end, because I am Buddhist?”To which San replied, “God hears prayer from everyone. It doesn’t matter whether they are Buddhist or something else.” Thetwo other boys happily added, “Yes, God hears! Yesterday we were fishing(catching fish by hands) and couldn’t get anything, we prayed and after, we got a lot of fish!” This testimony encouraged other boys to pray and not be shy. Another blessing is that parents who were involved also heard what we are teaching. Also, most of the boys would like to continue to prepare for the next year. Some of them are really encouraged to come to Church and learn from God’s Word. Only God can do these changes in the hearts of the people.
Fund raising event: We had a chance to sell fruit during football matches, with the desire to use this money to buy food for a family of 3 children with Down syndrome, and a few other people in the village. It was a great time for our children to prepare fruit and also go and sell it during very hot days. We were thankful God for every Baht (local currency) we got. Even though it was not much, we believe that God can use and multiply it. We are thankful to God for the compassion that He gave to our students for other people.
Camp in Chiang Kong: God provided a great opportunity for our students to join a 3 day camp with other students and a team from Singapore. Most of them have never been to camp before. It was a great opportunity for them to see other Christians, to learn God’s Word and new songs, which we can hear being sung as we walk through the village.
A new team member: God provided a girl named Ann to join us!It is such a blessing to have Ann here.  She is a big help and encouragement here. God is really blessing her and she has success in everything she is helping us with, from baking and sewing, to wood carving and teaching piano and drawing. Please pray for her adjustment here and also for the opportunity to prolong her visa, so she can stay around a year with us.
Medical outreach opportunity:God brought a team from one of the churches from Singapore, who do medical outreaches in our area. We had a privilege to work together and give not only medicine that can heal the body but share about the One who can heal the soul. More than 100 people personally heard the Gospel that day. Thank you Lord for the opportunity to serve you as a Church, with people from all around the World!
Pray for:

  1. People who heard the Gospel during the Medical outreach. Even some of the witch doctors came and were glad to receive a blessing through prayer.
  2. Camp at our Church. Our team has two main people and two helpers. We are expecting more than 30 children from three different villages.
  3. Continuation of God’s guidance and wisdom for the ministry for our team.

Thank you for upholding us in prayers and for your support. May God richly bless every one of you as we continue to do His work till the day He comes.

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Read 1981 times Last modified on Friday, 21 April 2017 16:30