Thursday, 18 May 2017 06:43

Grace to you Dear Church!

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This month was very active and we believe fruitful! Thank you for your prayers!
More than thirty children were coming every day for a summer camp and most of them didn’t hear about Christ before.  They were paying attention to every word during Bible story.  One day, we talked about Jesus' death;  and when I talked about His resurrection we heard  a loud “WOW!” from one of the girls. She liked Jesus from the stories she heard and now she was not very happy to hear about His death, and resurrection was a big surprise for her, which gave her joy!

Every day children were encouraged to retell the stories that they have learned to their friends and family. We were so happy to hear that some of them were retelling to 7-10 people in the village. One of the girls shared with 15 people in the village in one day! May God bless then to have this habit when they will come for Sunday school and church.
God also provided a great team for us. Our local girls got a big desire in helping, some in preparation and some were with us every day. Especially young lady Ing, who was always ready to fill the gap. One morning I heard our children singing and having fun even before we started our camp, Ing was learning new songs with them trying to sing in all the local languages we could. This is an answer for your and our prayers for God to raise future leaders. God is really great and Merciful!
2. If you would see these big smiles and great joy on the faces of our friends when we visited them. We met Nut and Kim, in school where we had sport activities. We learned their names and with the signs and sounds learned a little bit about their family. Nut and Kim come from the family of 3 children where two of them have Down syndrome. After soccer matches we collected some money from sailing fruits. Last Sunday we had a chance to visit our friends, share some food and pray asking God to bless this family. If you would see, how much joy it brought to them!
3. This Sunday we had such a big blessing. More than 10 children from Mong village joined us for the service. They were coming almost every day to play in church and now they were worshiping and praying with us. The history of these two tribes is not really peaceful, but in Christ Church we can experience unity and God’s unconditional love. God also provided some school clothes through local non-Christian organization, which shows that God’s hand above everything!
4. Baking ministry.
Thank you very much for your support, part of it goes for baking ministry. We found out that small birthday pie can bring allot of joy for a child and a good connection with their families. Also, as children having school break, they are coming to church every day, spending almost the whole time here and are so thankful for a small snack some days.

Prayer request:

  • As a school year is starting, we have a big need for  people who can help in teaching English and any life skills. Our school has more than 40 young souls!
  • For God to raise leaders for our church. It was such a blessing to see some of our boys during the camp being so active and asking many questions. One of the boys 14 years old, came here only for Summer and spent every Sunday and all the activities in Church. During this time he always had questions and was not afraid to ask them during Church or camp. Please pray for Wee, that the Word would bring fruits in his heart.

Our boys and girls who are grown up now and are more involved in the ministry. Please pray that their faith would grow and they would make a personal decision to follow Jesus and also serve Him.

  • This July a team from US are coming to make a camp in public schools. We are planning to have two camps in different schools with more than a 100 people at once. Please pray that the doors would be open in the right school and the whole team who will be traveling.
  • Please pray for our family as we are waiting for a new member in our family, baby in July.

You are in our prayers!
San and Anita

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Read 1825 times Last modified on Friday, 26 May 2017 07:23