Sunday, 04 March 2018 19:21

Happy Mien New Year

Written by

“Avoda” Thai Pattana    February 2018

 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6

Dear Church

Happy Mien New Year!


This is an important event for people here. Families are coming together, slaughtering a pig, inviting friends and having a meal together. This time of the year is very special for many of our children, because only in this season some of them would see their parents for a few days, who are coming to visit them from Bangkok (big city) where they are working to provide for their families

This year our young girls had a performance for the whole village and after got some money as an appreciation for participation. They split it among themselves and after happened something that brought a big smile on my face: They put coin by coin, every one of them as a 10 percent  for God. How happy were they that can give some money to church! Thanks God who does the work in the hearts of our children, but our work is still needs to be done: to put the seed – the truth of God’s word that it may bring fruits in its time.

God gave us a great opportunity to encourage our children and children in another children house to read the Bible and memorize Bible verses. Children were assigned to read the book of James and memorize Psalm 101, after what we had a two day camp with sport and Bible activities. It was such a blessed and happy, though busy time for all of us. One of our desires for them was to see other Christians their age, and worship God together. One thing that we really liked is that in Church during offering time people can give not only money for God, some of them are bringing fruits or vegetables from their fields and gardens, which were being sold after church and all the profit goes to church. In this way everybody can participate during the offering time.

This month is also the end of the school year. Our school year ended. Few days ago we had a graduation program, for our local girls, who were helping in teaching children during last two years. Now this is a time for them to make a next step in education or finding a job. This is big change in their lives because they have to leave in another place. Please hold them in your prayers that God would guide everyone of them in making the right decisions. This is a big challenge for our school also as six of them our faithful helpers. We don’t know yet how would we continue our evening school with 50 children and one teacher and one helper, but we believe that God would send the right people just at the right time as he did it before. Please pray for that.

 We appreciate your prayers and support and believe that together we can bring even more fruits for God’s kingdom.

May God richly bless you!

Please pray with us:

  1. For English teachers for the new school year, For God to send the right people, as He did it before.
  2. For the new opportunity to teach English to monks. They are really asking for help.
  3. To be the light in the village especially for the parents and families of our children to reach them for Christ
  4. For our graduates and their future studying and ministry

San and Anita

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Read 1723 times Last modified on Sunday, 04 March 2018 19:22
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