Saturday, 07 March 2015 12:52

A Special Heart (Kristina)

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The first time I saw her she was playing hide and seek with the little kids in the barnyard. Running amidst hay and cows, she made the game fun for the little ones. She was quick to accept me, a foreigner in her area and we parted with hugs.

Today I went back to the slums in Mae Sot to visit the kids who go to our school. I searched for her, hoping to see her. It was important that I saw her, because it was her the Lord put on my hearts to help. One woman had donated enough funds to help two girls who are at risk of being trafficked get out of the situation. As we drove towards Mae Sot, she came to mind. Could this be the girl God had chosen?

She was nowhere in sight. A bit discouraged I prayed and waited for her to show up, as I surveyed the scene before me. Kids playing sword fighting with a stick, a man chasing a sheep, catching it by one leg and carrying it off, cows and bulls in their stalls, Burmese women with little children at work.


Then out of nowhere, someone raced towards me, tackling me in   a hug, almost throwing me off balance. It was her! She grabbed my hand and put a small delicate golden ring on my finder, hugging me again. Then she reached in her other pocket, and pulled out another object. A pretty red bracelet with colorful beaded stars on it. She tied it to my arm, holding on tight in another embrace.

As I watched her play with the kids, putting her heart into all the games, and later, volunteering to pray and praying to be able to go to school, I couldn’t help but wish that everything would work out. At age 14, she isn’t able to go to school because she has to help her parents care for her family. There is such a fire within her, so much potential, her heart great soil. We have to get her out!

As we walk home, my director says,” I spoke with her mom, next semester she will be able to go to our school. ” Hallelujiah! God answers prayer. I see the reason God brought me here today, though I hadn’t been planning it.  For this one special girl.

Please pray with us for this girl, specifically that we can help make a passport for her and in the near future bring her to Tak where she can live with us and learn Truth. Also that we can find that one other special girl…

Read 2202 times Last modified on Wednesday, 11 March 2015 07:35