Monday, 26 January 2015 14:10

Building Relationships = time (Kristina)

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I never realized it would take so much patience and time in building relationships. I learned this here in Thailand. To build trust does not take one week, but months and years.

The Lord has blessed us with a few relationships that are starting to blossom. Recentlly, two ladies and a teenage girl started coming to Avoda to work. Every morning worship time,  they join us. They read the Bible with us and even went up to share what verse they like. I could see their hearts open up as they participate in discussion of Gods Truths! We have also reached a point in the relationship where we can joke around with each other and exchange gifts. Praise the Lord for these women!

Another important relationship we have is with a young Burmese man who lives in Mae Sot  and is involved in creating education for migrants. His heart is open and he even wishes me a,”God bless you!” every time we see each other, though he is a Buddhist.  If he comes to Christ, there are so many other people of his own that he can reach! Please pray for his salvation!

The parents in the Burmese slums are slowly starting to open up to us. When they see their children running to greet us with joy, they bring out the small children for us to see and smile as we greet them in broken Burmese.

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