Monday, 26 January 2015 14:08

WE can learn from the cow (Kristina)

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Last  week we found one of our cows in a well! It had fallen in searching for grass…we don’t know how long it was in there. The whole team of boys came to save the cow. San went into the well down the ladder. Her neck was turned and it seemed she struggled to breath.

We decided to pour in the water as San held her by the horns. With the water holding her up, we were able to take her out. She wouldn’t move for a few days. We gave her time to get up but she didn’t. The time came to end her life.  School was canceled and the students went out to butcher. I came over to watch.  The process was gruesome. One strong hit on the head with a hammer, and then a knife to the throat. As they started to skin her, I had to leave. My stomach was turning.

The girls will later cut the meat into pieces, which we will sell. I am impressed with our students.  They had killed pigs before, but not a cow!

This site led me to think of the times during the old testament where the priests had to kill thousands of cows and sheep a day to take care of the sins of the people. The temple was probably not a pretty site. Filled with sounds of death and blood dripping over the altar. This was the price for sin.

Recently we had a Bible study on Leviticus. When killed, the inside of the cow is stinky. When the insides are cleaned, cut up and burned, it gives off a pleasing aroma which is acceptable to God. In our life, we have a heart that stinks. God wants us to lay our selves on the altar. It requires the work of Gods word that cuts between the soul and spirit. When we allow Gods Truth to cleanse us no matter how painful, we bring a pleasing aroma and God can use us in mighty ways. “He says, sanctify yourselves for tomorrow I will do wonders among you.” Joshua 3:5

It is easy to follow after Jesus. His burden is light and His yoke is easy. When we acknowledge Him in all our ways we walk in His power and strength. From my experience, when I don’t seek counsel from the Lord and trust in my own self, more mistakes happen leading to tiredness and unfinished goals.

When we give up ourselves completely, a life of miracles begins!

Read 2053 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 March 2015 16:07