Wednesday, 13 January 2016 07:46

The kingdom of God extends to the limits of the tribe Miyan

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Dear family in Christ, thank you for your prayers regarding my passport. In December, I was able to join back and continue to serve in Thailand.

[blockquote author="Psalm 96:3"] Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.; [/blockquote]

Now God has sent me to the north of Thailand, the "Golden Triangle" where the three intersect Laos, Burma and Tailand. Nedavno 5 people from the Labor Party, including two of our students and two brothers from Germany, aimed particularly there to do ministry among tribal Miyan. The ancestors of the tribe moved to Thailand from China, bringing with them their religion and culture. Although many of them still perform pagan rituals, the younger generation is influenced by Buddhism and is still firm in their beliefs, thus more disposed to hear about God. God disposes the hearts of men and about 20-30 people regularly attend the service, so the layout is ready and the construction of a house of worship of bamboo, where we can carry out service as well as various meetings with young people and children. At this time the Lord opens the door and we can teach English to children, youth and adults. Each lesson they will not only learn grammar, but also can hear about God and learn to read, praising God. I was surprised and grateful to God for a new relationship with the people and how easy they were built. Although our culture and language very different. God has set the hearts and we feel that a long time know each other and we can trust each other. Thank God for that!

Special Prayer for Atapona. This is one of the young men who often goes to church, while his family is trying to appease the pagan spirits. Recently Ataponu was diagnosed with cancer.On long time was in the hospital, we prayed for him and asked the church to pray also. Soon doctors sent him home, not quite understanding how they can help. Whe we visited him, he was very weak and from his illness lost hearing, he could communicate only on paper, reading, what we wrote. Our hearts were touched, and we together with the children again prayed for him. The next day, when we came to visit him, we heard the good news, Atapon can sit and have already received some food! God answers! I believe that God has a plan for all the family and the tribe. Atapon still weak and in need of blood. Please pray for wisdom in communicating with his family and that God will be glorified through this situation and many could see the greatness of God and turn to Him.

We are now close to the border with Laos. Last year, God has allowed seven young people from Laos, located in the Labor where they can learn English, a variety of skills for life. And the most important thing to know about God. Now They returned to their place and each build a life of its own way. This month, we want to meet and be an encouragement to each other, to remind about God and what He wants for us. Please pray that this meeting will take place and God will be glorified through it.

Also, please pray for the renewal of my visa, that God has set the hearts of the rulers, and I was able to get a visa for six months or a year.Thank you for your prayers and donations that help to carry out this ministry especially now that a lot is just beginning. May God bless you!

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С молитвами Анита

Read 1608 times Last modified on Wednesday, 13 January 2016 07:51