Sunday, 16 November 2014 18:30

Building up the Church in Mae Sot

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We come to the slum community once again. San stays behind to play with the boys and I, along with uncle Victor and our two students go to see the other children. We walk along the road, picking up kids as we go, Somying handing out candy. We come to the first community and are greeting with smiles. Wer’e not sure of what we must do, so we wait around and play with the kids. Our goal is to build relationships with the parents, but we don’t see many around. Soon after, our friend, a young Burmese man who speaks English very well, comes by with his friend. “Were having a celebration tomorrow,” he says. The kids start to blow balloons and hand them to us as we look for a place to hang them in the little shack. “You’re invited to come,” he invites us.

We take the kids with us and go on to a different community. We walk down the dusty road, singing “I’ve  got joy” the kids ripping weeds and flowers and presenting them to us as  gifts. We walk past a factory where many Burmese sit over machines. They have no days off but work hard the whole week. A few other Burmese hunched over rice stalks, in the hot sun, picking rice.

The last community we came to was very quiet this time. Only a few children came out for a game. The adults were gone. We walk back home, the kids still joyful and drop them off one by one.

The next morning, we walk to the celebration. Uncle Victor, Piao, and I, carrying grapes and watermelon. I am a bit nervous. Were we really invited? Or did we have miscommunication? We come and indeed, they are having a party and yes, we are awaited. Uncle Victor helps the father put up a roof out of bamboo. The father then hangs velvet curtains, also a luxury, along one side of the shelter. The children wear their best. Our English speaking friend comes by. His heart for the kids was evident as he puts out the candy and soda for the kids. The only healthy thing they had was the fruit we brought. It is more expensive and they don’t have the luxury of eating it. As the party starts, the parents aren’t seen. Only 2 mothers frying a snack. We sing a few songs and turn to go. I am unsure of what to do. Half our church is here! They look sad as we go.

Upon arrival at the church, the car pulls up and most of the kids from the party come! They are so joyful to be here and for the first time, I really see what a blessing it is for them to go to church. To leave the heavy, gloomy atmosphere of their shacks, where they are neglected for the most part, to a place of songs and prayer, Bible story and games, love and attention; they are just shining! They feel the presence of the Lord here and He is the one who gives them peace and joy.

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“In Thy presence if fullness of joy at Thy right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11

In His Steps, Kristina

Read 2152 times Last modified on Saturday, 21 March 2015 16:17