Sunday, 26 October 2014 18:33

Building Relationships with Professionals (Kristina)

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Another surprise call comes in from the education department of Tak asking for a foreign English speaker to come and teach at a seminar for supervisors of educators. It is school break and I am available. This time I will be joining two English speaking Thai teachers for 3 days of teaching English.

The teachers were wonderful and we had a great fun teaching together. I was blessed with new ideas for teaching our students, an opportunity to share the reason of the hope within me, a chance to explain the work in Avoda and an important contact for our ministry. One of my team members is part of an organization that does similar work to us and have over a 1000 students living on their quarters, receiving education and life skills and over 80 staff members!

This got me thinking as to how much more I should be involved in Kingdom work. How much more I can ask for! All that I can receive from the storehouses of heaven is at hand!
I already have everything.I share in Christs inheritance. All things are mine. The Lord gives before I ask and even more then I ask for, according to His word!
One thing I realized is that I ask with a small faith. The Lord says,”According to your faith be it unto you” and “As thou hast believed, so be it done unto you.” Matthew 8 and 9.
I imagine what would happen if I asked with great faith, taking the Lord for His word! How would Avoda projects grow even more? How many more people would join us? What would happen in Thailand?
I imagine the name of Christ lifted up and every tongue proclaiming Him as Lord. Churches filled with Thai people worshiping in spirit and truth, oppressed children set free, our students reaching Thailand for Christ! Satans strongholds destroyed, and every idol being worshiped, broken down.




Lord, help my unbelief!


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