Sunday, 22 June 2014 18:39

Divine Appoitments (Kristina)

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It was no surprise to Anita and I when two tourists walked by us at the park and started a conversation. It was no surprise when the young girl joined us in painting. We have been in many situations where the Lord brought people our way to whom we could testify. This moment, we sensed, was another divine appointment planned in heaven, and we were right in the middle of it!

This morning, we planned a trip out of town where we would spend the time catching up on things, in an air conditioned coffee shop. Now, looking around, we did not see any coffee shops. As we drove on, we came to a touristic park with temple ruins and palm trees alongside palm trees and agreed to spend some time there. as we settled among the ruins, under a tall shady tree, Anita took out her paints and pad. At this moment, the young tourists walked by. They had just met and were talking about the young girls desire to draw, when they came upon us. The young man had thought about meeting some nice people that day and was surprised to find it work out!

We spent a blessed time sharing our life stories. The girl comes from a Christian family with a father who constantly tries to persuade her to turn to God. She left home to pursue studies in Tibetan medicine but was not given the opportunity to start. now at loss of where to go and what to do, she shares that she feels lost. The day before she had met a Thai pastor who invited her to church, and today she meets Christians. The perfect timing of every turn of events had the unmistakeable fingerprints of God. the young man, in pursuit of truth himself, agreed that something extraordinary had happened. We invited them to come to Avoda, and there they were, the next day, along with the pastor and a few church members! God himself is bringing people to us!

After a lovely time of sharing and showing the project, our new friends left with a desire to contribute. The young man had bought a few bags of snacks for our students and the young girl is considering helping here in other ways!

When time and eternity intersect, miracles happen.



Read 1228 times Last modified on Saturday, 14 March 2015 18:47