Sunday, 15 June 2014 18:42

Friendships Planned by God

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As soon as the funeral service ended, the Thai woman walked briskly and purposefully towards Anita. “ “What is your name?” she asked in English. There was a sense of urgency in her voice. She asked if we could meet sometime for dinner. Since then, the Lord has granted us a wonderful friendship with her and her teenage daughter, here in Tak.



The few times we spent with her, we got to witness her caring heart and openness towards the Truth. She took us out to her house and then to a nice restaurant where we had a lovely evening. Another weekend she took us to a vineyard and then to the nicest restaurant one hour away! “Would you like to pray? She asked. Each time she called first, then came to pick us up, and treated us to dinner. The last time she wrote, she expressed thanks to God for keeping her safe amidst a heavy rainfall on the road. She also wished us a “God bless you.” What a joy it is to witness the work that God is doing in her heart!

Even though we do not have too many opportunities to be outside of Avoda and witness to the people there, they come here! Parents and police men dropping off kids for church. Last Sunday we had over 38 kids come from the village! One of my students from Wanprachop started to attend church as well Mr. Raimund once said, ‘Where there is good fruit on a tree, the people come to the tree. The tree does not go to the people.”

“A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit.” Matthew 7:17


Read 1291 times Last modified on Saturday, 14 March 2015 18:47