Tuesday, 22 March 2016 07:16

Hello from Thailand

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for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose”                                                                Philippians 2:13
Coin by coin the little children in a Sunday school in the U.S,collected money within a whole year and offered this gift to our children here. It was such a joy to make a play-corner, which is daily filled with children, and even some adults who are also enjoying activities there. It is God who gives desires, for His good purpose! I am thankful to God for giving the children here a big aspiration to study. If only you could see the joy that they are leaving with after a long school day of learning English and Bible stories!

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,
I am glad you can join us and see what the Lord had been doing here in Chiang Rai, Thailand the past month.
On February 20th,Atapon(the young boy that we prayed about)we believe, went to meet Jesus. His sufferings on this Earth came to the end. His mom said that the days before, he had a big desire to come to church, and even asked his sister why she was not there. According to beliefs in this tribe, they have to lead the spirit to a fertile place of food and water, after that they burn the body. We however, know that the best place for the spirit is in the presence of God! Please pray for the family, so that God would continue working in their hearts and bring them to salvation.
Just recently, we met up with our friend Ken, originally from the U.S who lives in another province of Thailand. That same day, his nephew got into motorcycle accident and was in coma. We prayed together and asked God for help. One month later we got news that the boy had fully recovered! A party was thrown for him where the monks and family celebrated his recovery. God is great and all powerful, and He wants people to see His power. Please Pray for Ken and his family, as he had heard a lot about Jesus and even stated that it was the prayers that had helped his nephew recover. Please pray that  God would open his heart for the Gospel.
Bpa Tip is a single mom, who is raising two sons and has a life- long illness. One of the ways she earns for a living is by stitching beautiful patterns, which I got to see.  There are more ladies with a similar story. Some are old women, who can’t work on the farm and earn their living through stitching. Our prayer and desire is to help these people by finding customers for their handy work. Through this, we hope that their hearts will be open to the Gospel, because for now they are very strong in their beliefs in worship of spirits.
A while back, we started visiting a hospital, and sharing Bible verse with the patients. Till now, all of them are thankful for our visits and are glad when we offered to pray for them. Please pray for our teens to grow in this ministry and also for God to open the hearts of the people to understand and receive the Gospel.

Our brothers are still hard at work, cutting bamboo high up in the mountains in order to continue building the church. So far, God really protected our brothers in this work. Please pray for continual safety in the whole building project because the mountains they are working on are very steep.
The school term will be ending this month and some of our teens will go to the big cities to work during the summer break.  Please pray for Gods protection over them, and that they find a church where they can continue to grow. 
I had a safe trip to Malaysia and got my visa. By the time I arrived, rules were changed, and I was granted a three months visa instead of a 1 year visa. Please pray for the challenges with my visa to be overcome.
Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel here through your prayers and sacrificial support in all ways. I cannot do this without you. Truly grateful to God for you!
May God always bless you richly!
Following in His steps… till Thailand…Mien tribe
Anita Miteiko

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Read 1994 times Last modified on Saturday, 26 March 2016 09:07