Wednesday, 13 April 2016 15:34

Showers of blessings!

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Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in You I trust. Make me known the way I should go, for to You I lift up my soul.” Psalm 143:8
Ezekiel 34:26
I will make them and the places surrounding my hill a blessing. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.

Dear family in Christ, We wish you a very Happy and Blessed Songkran (Thai New Year. May God’s blessings will be poured out on your life! Thai’s celebrate it by splashing water on each other.
God’s blessings are showered in our ministry through your prayers and support
If God opens doors, no one can close it!
Even though not all the parents support their children in coming to church, but More than fifty people came for our school closing program, where we presented a special program with our children and had chance to share the Word of God. I am so thankful for the special relationships with our students that God granted me.

God is so Amazing! He knows our needs even before we ask Him! Before starting a camp we didn’t have enough people, and I got an email, that one young lady from Germany, who was also serving in Thailand for few months, had a break for one month and would like to come and join our ministry. It was just a perfect time! We had a chance to make a day camp at our village, Mien tribe, and God opened the doors in the villages beside us.
Mong tribe, up in the mountains, More than 45-50 children were attending every day and heard the Gospel, worshiped God and learned English. It was interesting to see adults and other children, who were squeezing through the windows and door trying to see what we are doing there, while we were teaching and singing. Few times there was a man, who was holding a rock behind his back, and as soon as he saw us was saying something with a grumpy face. God protected us from all harms, and every day children heard that God is more powerful than any spirits that they are afraid of. Praise the Lord!
Next camp is going to be in the village with Northern thais, where we praying to start a cell group with teens. Please pray for God’s wisdom and guidance.
God also provided a keyboard for our church, and not only that, even a teacher, who came here for one month! God also touched one young man, who was also reading and praying for the ministry here, and he came here with his son, to help with the building project. Only God can put people from different countries in the same place, at the right time for His purpose! Thank you for praying for our protection, during cutting bamboo and also God protected us and our villagers during April’s storms, because some places got losses.
Please Pray:
1.    For our camp at Baloo. And also we will celebrate Christ resurrection and would like to invite people from our tribe, so God would open their hearts and and we would share a Good news with them!
2.    Protection for our building team, while they are working with bamboo and on the high places.
3.    It is dry season and not enough water in our well, please pray for God to send some rains and feel our well.
4.    Please pray for wisdom and God’s guidance in sharing a good news with Mien tribe and other surrounding people.

I am very thankful for your prayers, it helps me to keep going and continue to do the work God called me to do. May God richly bless you and I’ll be glad to pray for you.
Following in His steps… till Thailand, Mien tribe

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Read 2038 times Last modified on Wednesday, 13 April 2016 15:53