Sunday, 03 March 2013 00:00

Dinner With Directors (Tanya) 2/26/13

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This week we had the chance to have an upscale dinner with many teachers and several directors. It was a sort of goodbye evening for Serge and me. Usually we are dropped off at home after school, but  that day, as we were getting ready to leave school, they mentioned that they were having a party for us and could we come? Good thing we didn’t have any plans for that evening except our Thai lessons. Otherwise we might have had to miss our own party. Thai people sure don’t give much of an advance notice!


As we were driving to the restaurant, they casaully mentioned that that day was in fact our last day teaching at the school! Again, no previous warning! We were flabbergasted! We knew school was going to end soon, but not that soon! We didn’t even say goodbye to the children. However, later they invited us back again for a goodbye ceremony at school (serge posted about it) so we did get the chance to see our children one more time.

And even though the dinner party was a bit long (3.5 hours) it was very worth it. We had the chance to meet some other directors from nearby schools. But also – the FOOD! It was the tastiest Thai dinner I’ve had so far in Thailand. Thai foods can be a bit strange, but this time I loved every single dish. I’m not a soup person but Tom Yum Gung soup was out of this world. It’s a spicy/sour shrimp soup with coconut milk.IMG_0514

Below are some other great dishes:

Fish with vegetables and nuts


Steamed vegetables in broth


Spicy dipping sauce


Ribs with herbs


Shrimp fried rice


Below I’m saying a little speech about my experience teaching in their school. They also love karaoke in Thailand and nearly every teacher sang. They really wanted us to sing something too, but the best they got was my speech :)


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