Monday, 25 February 2013 00:00

Finally…The ANSWER from God! (Serge) 2/11/13

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We came to Thailand with one goal in mind…to be used here by God in any way that is pleasing to Him.

We had a vision to learn Thai language and tell Buddhist Thai people about the One & True God, and with the hope to start an English Bible Study (and invite the local Thai’s) thinking that down the road it will grow into an English-speaking church.

That was just a “rough draft”. We had no set plans or answer from God about what is our purpose here.

We knew that we were coming to Avoda school to be with them for 3 months, and that they would teach us Thai language and culture, so we could separate later and go where God would call us and preach the gospel there.

So we prayed and prayed for God to show us His purpose for us being here…but no answer…

…So we prayed more…still no answer…(And in meantime we are teaching in public schools and working with children at Avoda and hosting Sunday School etc…)…still awaiting for God to show us where we need to go once our 3 months are up.

And as we talked between our team, we all had mixed emotions and visions. Some wanted to go down south and see the whole Thailand (hoping maybe then God will show us where we are NEEDED), some wanted to stay at Avoda, some didn’t know yet.

And as we all prayed together about this…on Monday (2/11) GOD FINALLY ANSWERED our prayers and gave us all the SAME answer and unity in our understanding!

God clearly showed us that we are NEEDED here at Avoda, every single one of us! God has BIG plans for this school and our place is here! And He continues to confirm this answer day after day with His miracles that astound us!

He keeps opening doors in Thai people’s hearts (which is NOT easy to do), and in schools, in children and in directors, and in HIGH directors –  Director of board of education of the Province of Tak and police chiefs…just one amazing thing happens after another. We are all just shocked how God all of sudden started moving and stirring things up here out of nowhere!  8-O

And now God gave us this vision that He will expand Avoda school to house & educate 100 orphan children! With this vision in mind we now have a TON of work ahead of us, lots of prayers, lots of preparation. And we are in serious need for God to send us some MORE volunteers who could come and teach and work with the children! Also we need to build more houses for the children to live in. We need more funds (We have strong faith that God will provide) to house, dress and to feed the children.

Please pray and share this vision together with us, for God to expand Avoda school to more children. Pray that God will provide everything necessary for us to do His will (to home & take care of the homeless & parent-less orphans…because it’s His commandment ). Also pray for God to send us more sponsors and people who could share this same vision with us and help us to reach this goal.


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