Monday, 25 February 2013 00:00

Teaching in School (Serge) 2/18/13

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Since we arrived at Avoda, all 4 of our girls were sent to teach in public schools 3 days every week, while I stayed home and sometimes helped the hired Avoda English teacher (Sherine) who came from Phillipines to teach English to Avoda children.

But last Tuesday (2/12) some changes started happening. Avoda decided to pull Natasha from public school to teach Avoda children together with teacher Sherine to help their children learn how to speak and enunciate English properly.

But we couldn’t violate the terms of the agreement at the public schools so I had to begin teaching instead!

So  I am now an English teacher  ;P  It’s a great challenge for me because I had no previous experience or schooling to be a teacher. But here in Thailand some things work rather simply. If you are from the West and can speak English, you can be a teacher!

**So all those who are thinking to comie to Thailand, do not be discouraged that you have no teaching certificate or schooling. You can teach without it! If you like, you can even get a teaching certificate here by pass some test. If you can “speak” English…then you will have no problem here**

I was a little bit nervous my 1st day, but God blessed me abundantly and everything went very well. The children loved me  ;) And I had to thank God for gifting me with an artistic ability as I could communicate and capture the attention of the whole class by drawing some pictures on the board.  ;P

That way they don’t only learn by listening, but learn visually and can associate the words that the are learning with the pictures that I draw. We all had fun, I got to draw and they got to learn. ;)

We have about 2 weeks left of teaching before the public schools go into exam period and we no longer will be needed there to teach. But this time that we had  there we witnessed to them about Christ just with our presence, and it is a great blessing! Here in Thailand you can witness more just by your behavior and your dress-code than by using many words. Because words is what they don’t want to hear – they are already suspicious of the white person here to change their religion, but when you talk with your behavior and by showing them Christ’s love…it makes them think. Actions here speak louder than words. And Thai people notice every little thing.

Bible says: “You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts” (2-1 Corinthians 3:2,1 Corinthians 3:3)

Please pray so that the Holy Spirit could work and speak to the hearts of everyone that we came in contact with in school (teachers, directors, staff, kitchen chefs, children etc..) and so God could lead at least some of them to salvation.

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