Thursday, 14 February 2013 00:00

Finally We get to Cook! (Serge) 2/14/13

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I wanted to apologize for not updating the blog for a week or so.

LOTS of new things happened here and have much stories to tell and photos & videos to post, so I will do my best to catch up! But the main thing is that we actually SEE God working here and we see how he is moving the hearts of Thai people. It’s just a true blessing to be part of it.  :)

Few posts ago I posted how we eat rice, rice & rice 3 or 4 times a day  :/   I know…it takes time to get used to it, but we were here only about 3 weeks or so, but honestly it feels like we have been here 2 months or more! And we already miss “our” Western/Russian food.  :P

So one of the days of last week they took us to the market and store again where we got a chance to buy lots of fruits for the children and ourselves and together with that we bought some kitchen utensils that NEEDED to be replaced and some new ones that needed to be added.  ;)

Children here eat very little fruit, because the owners do not have enough funds to buy fruits for them, so every time we go to the store or market we always, always buy lots of things for the children to eat and they are SO HAPPY to eat all kinds of different fruits. They especially love watermelons here.  :)

So when we went to shop, we also bought some of our “Western” ingredients so we could cook. Once we got home our girls took over the kitchen and cooked amazing food, and I got to cook a HUGE pot of chicken soup, and it all turned out so well, that everyone devoured our food without much talking.  :P

Now they asked us to cook some ‘borsch’ for them, which I personally would love to do, but now the problem is finding beets around here….. :/   We looked all over the store and could not find any…hope we will find them sometime soon, because they are not the only ones who want eat it.  :P

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