Saturday, 29 June 2013 00:00

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“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you…” Mathew 28:19

“Dingaling!” The school bell rings and all the students file into class one by one with a slight bow and folding of hands in a polite Thai manner. A week before they were diligently repainting all the classroom desks and fixing up the school.  Now it is time to start an even harder task. Character building, motivating perseverance in school work and diligence in hard tasks.  God has put two members of our team in charge of the school here in Avoda.  Running a Christian school is a big blessing and a privilege that we never dreamed of having! However,  this task is much more complex then we thought. We would like to take you  dear bothers and sisters, into the lives of the students and into the work the Lord is faithfully doing here in our school.

Each morning, we meet in the chapel for worship, devotions and prayer. After announcements, the  students dutifully proceed on to school where they complete their cleaning duties, set their goals, and get to work on their subjects. God has equipped each member on our team with special talents, which they are able to contribute to the school. In between their individual work, students come together as a class and learn art, word processing, web design, English, math, and science. Here these students  have a chance to work in groups, develop their leadership skills and grow in their relationships with one another. Besides teaching subjects, and character building, we have an opportunity to lead the teens to Christ. Because we are in a Christian school, we are free to preach Christ. What an advantage!

Each day, God has been showing us the important role of the Christian teacher in the classroom. These are souls we are working with! Every time a student walks into class, they bring their life with them. The harsh memories of families who have forsaken them, the scars left from terrible life circumstances. Then come the regular teen hardships. Temptations, emotional instability, peer pressure and the questions,”who am I?”and “Does anyone love me?”

So many hearts to mend. Disciples to make. Leaders to train. Souls to guide.

The burden lays heavy on my heart. And in all this I feel helpless, small, and incapable.

All eyes on us as teachers.  Every move we make. Every word we say. What a responsibility!

Christ is showing me even more, the importance of abiding in Him. That without an almighty God on my side, there is nothing I can do. This is His work. We are His tools.

Please pray for us to be clean vessels for Gods work. So that we continually stay connected to Christ,  the vine, so that Christs love, wisdom and compassion, could freely flow through us and into the lives of the students.  So that we would be able to say with the Apostle Paul,”You are witnesses, and God also, how holy and righteous and blameless was our conduct toward you. For you know how, like a father with his children, we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God..1 Thessalonians 2:10-11

“And you became imitators of us and of the Lord…” 1 Thesalonians 1: 6.

Please pray for the students. They are the future of Thailand. These are future pastors, teachers and missionaries. Pray specifically that during these tough teenage years, God will protect them from the evil one and bring them to salvation in Christ. So many souls are still unsaved. Pray for those who are already in Christ to stand strong and set a godly example for the other students.

Also please pray for a 12 year old girl named Muna, who was about to move to Avoda premises, but was not allowed to, by her father. What a disappointment to her! She needs to stay home and take care of her two year old sister, to whom she may be the only mother. Every Sunday we pick her up for Sunday school where she eagerly learns more about Jesus. Lately, her sullen face expression and body posture, tell us that life is hard for her. Please pray that God strengthens her and gives her joy so that she would grow through these trials and not get angry at God. Pray that in the right time she can move to Avoda where she can learn more about Christ and become His disciple.

It is a joy to us to know that we are not alone in the work of the Lord, but that we can share in the same triumphs and trials with you.

“I thank my God in all my remembrance of you…because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Philipians 1:3-5


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