Friday, 28 June 2013 00:00

Sorry for our absence (Natasha)

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It has been a while since we blogged and I apologize for that. I’d like to blame it on the busyness but I don’t think that’s right. Thailand has become our life. I think I can safely speak for all of us and say that we have certainly adapted to the lifestyle. It is no longer strange to live in a bungalow amongst the gecko’s, Tu-key’s, squirrels, and yes even RATS! (I think there’s only one….at least that’s what I tell myself) The bugs certainly don’t bug us and the rain…well you learn to live with it. The rooster crowing at all hours of the night is normal and the neighbors’ dog stealing our bread is something we just shake our heads at. We often talk about how hard it would actually be to return to the way of life in America. Life here is simple and easy to enjoy. We daily see God’s blessings and His hand in our lives. Not to say that we wouldn’t experience this in America, but like I said…we’ve adapted.

I’d like to share a blessing. Since coming to Thailand I have been taught to drive stick shift by Serge and one of the twelve year old boys here. And you know that Po-Po-Po Serge blogged about earlier…..well, I can drive it.

It has become quite apparent to us here that drivers are needed. Poor Serge, anytime anybody needed anything in town…usually he’d have to be the one to take us. I think it was too much for one person to handle. You must remember, going to town isn’t just a half-hour jaunt to the store…it tends to take half a day. He’d also have to pick up kids from school or from the village to take them to school. I was very thankful when I was able to learn to drive. And praise the Lord, after spending all of Tuesday driving back and forth gathering documents and signatures….I received a Thai license :) That’s right, I can now drive not only stick-shift, but on the wrong side of the road as well. And it’s all legal. :) This is truly a blessing. 

However, now that I’m on the road…I think prayers need to be doubled :) this became evident last night when I was asked to take the village kids home (half of Avoda goes on these short trips) and Pio, one of our lovely girls here wouldn’t even buckle up until we prayed. Praise be to God for this gift!


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