Wednesday, 05 June 2013 00:00

The Many seasons of Thailand (Kristina)

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Rainy season is here! That is wonderful news for the hottest province in Thailand-the place we now call home. But rainy season also means one other thing-bug season. For the past 3 weeks we have seen over 3 different types of bugs. They are harmless, but many. My first reaction to seeing hundreds of bugs on our bathroom was horror, but now its normal for me to take bugs out of my hair, from under my pillow, or off my towel. Sometimes I would hear scratching noises under my pillow and wouldn’t sleep until I looked underneath and saw a bug trying to stay alive.

At times I feel like we are in the days of Pharaoh when God sent many flies to Egypt. Sometimes we have to sit with the lights off because bugs are everywhere. Other times I have to run out of the bathroom at night without brushing my teeth because there is a war zone in there with the bugs. They crash into me and crawl under my feet and try to make a home in my hair. I fight back, but sometimes there are too many.

The bugs are rather interesting. They last only one night, where they swarm around the light and the next day they are all dead. The other bugs leave a large pile of wings after themselves, so that our porch is covered.  I still haven’t figured out their purpose in life and why they only last one night…

They are just another thing that have become a part of our lives here and something were learning to be thankful to God for. “In everything give thanks”. ! Thess. 5:18 This is something I had to learn as I came into my bungalow one day and saw lots of bugs on my bed-but none on Anitas. The bugs had decided that they like my pink bedspread, but not Anitas purple one. I was quite upset, but then realized that this is a lesson I have to learn- to be thankful for everything. The next day, I walked into other room, and thought, “no bugs today? I still hadn’t learned my lesson.” A while later when I reentered my room, there were many bugs on my bed again! This time I was able to be thankful=) I learned my lesson and the bugs never returned to my bed. However, just to be safe, we bought a mosquito net, to keep out the bugs.

One type of bug is called the Maeng Kee Noon and is a Thai delicacy. They actually eat them here! Yum!

Thai Insects - Popular Snack Food in Thailand - Maeng Kee Noon

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