Thursday, 28 March 2013 00:00

Teacher Seminar (DAY 1) (Serge) 3/28/13

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**Just a little update!**


Today was the very 1st day of seminar with teachers!

Well, we didn’t quite get 125 teachers, but there were about 90 or so, but we were told that some more teachers will join in 2nd or 3rd day.

Today our schedule was a little busier than what it was with the children, but it was fun nonetheless. What shocked us a lot is that these teachers were SO excited for the seminar,so active and ready to participate.

They were not shy as children were and they spoke English, so we didn’t need Thai interpreters, but we still had Avoda children helping us at our stations. And today we wouldn’t have managed if it wasn’t for them. So praise the Lord that they were there to give us a helping hand.

Today was one of the HOTTEST days since we started these seminars. Around 8am we all were sweating and it was getting very very warm very fast! But as usual, the school was very attentive and never was too late in bringing us iced water or coffe and snacks.  ((to give you an idea, INSIDE my house when i got home at 4pm, thermometer showed 38*C = 100*F…that’s inside a cemented house with all the doors and windows shut!))

But to my surprise none of us got too tired today as we did with the children’s seminar, even with all this heat!  :)  I know that it was only because of the many prayers! Thank you!

But tomorrow comes our hardest  and longest day. We will be starting early in the morning right away (no opening ceremonies etc..) and will run our game stations till 4pm. So tomorrow will be a big physical and mental test for us.

Another thing we loved is that how these teachers loved to participate and enjoyed singing Christian songs and doing all of the motions for the songs together. It was nice to see them laughing and smiling as they were singing too. We chose entertaining songs that get stuck in your head easily.  ;P

What made this day easy too, is that many of these teachers are very silly and just LOVE taking a million of pictures with us (it’s a Thai thing…no other nationality that I know of loves taking photos more than Thai people), even during the class and games. I had a few groups of teachers where they just decided to do a picture session with the foreigner (me) right in the middle of the game!  :O (so we had to stop the game for a few minutes, and then resume after they were done with pictures).

So now we just got home and have to prepare our games for tomorrows day.

Please continue to pray as these seminars take place, we can definitely feel the power of prayers that are at work.

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