Wednesday, 27 March 2013 00:00

Children’s Camp/Seminar (Serge) 3/27/13

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We apologize for not updating our blog…1st reason is that we have no internet at home, and 2nd is that we are extremely busy with the seminar.

I know that many of you are praying for us and for this seminar, and we understand how important it is, so I just wanted to type up just a little bit of information to update you on what is going on here. (((will post pictures when we get better internet))))


Our seminar consists of 9 days (3 days with children, 3 days with 125 teachers, and another 3 days with 125 teachers).

Today actually we just finished our 1st part of the seminar (3 days with children).

***(I will just speak for myself, and other members of the team can write for themselves when they get a chance)***

Praise the Lord that these 3 days already done and 6 more left to go!

1st seminar was very successful! Probably not because of us, but because of your prayers! Everything went very very well and everyone was happy. But we were DRAINED and EXHAUSTED by the end of each day!

Our day starts from 7am to 4pm, plus the 100*F+ heat wears you out pretty quickly!

Please pray so that we will have physical & mental strength for each day.


We (roughly) had about 80 students total who came from 22 different schools.

So on the 1st day they were very quiet and not very active, and we figured out that it was probably due to the fact that they were split up into teams with other students who they don’t know, so they were all shy not just around us, but also around each other.

So after lunch we decided to play a little icebreaker game where they get to know each other more and learn the names of their teammates. (that helped a little)

The 2nd day it was a great improvement! They were more active and participating and it was very encouraging to see them smile and laugh out loud while playing our games, it made us happy knowing that they are having fun at our game stations.

Each one of us (5 teachers) had 5 different stations and children were split up into 4 different teams and they all had set schedules where they had to go from one station to the next playing one game at the time.

So everyone had fun!

And we were very happy that we had children for the 1st 3 days and not the teachers, because we saw even more little flaws in our games that we fixed right away for the next day and so on.

So after these 3 days we made our games as best as we could and ready for the teachers.

Today we had a closing ceremony that lasted 2 hours, where teams got to open the treasure box and receive candy as a reward for their hard work, also we awarded the winning team Official Certificates for participating in this event, then we also put up a drama skit for them and played some fun games together and sang…and sang…and sang some more (Christian songs of course!).  :P  Then we took a TON of pictures with every group and class and teachers and other students etc. (Thai people just LOVE to take pictures…especially with white foreigners)  :P

These 3 days flew by VERY fast, but were very exhausting! But school was taking very good care of us, they were bringing us coffee and snacks and baked sweets and iced water couple times per hour!  :)  We were shocked how very attentive they were!

And also lunch ladies were very nice and asked us what Thai dishes do we like, so we named them a few and today (to our big surprise) they cooked what we told them! :)  It was amazing! The food was so so SOO delicious that many of us went for couple rounds of the same dish!  :)

Tomorrow (3/28) we are starting the same program all over again for the 125 Thai English Teachers. Please pray for God to open their hearts and for the Holy Spirit to work on them, so maybe some of them will come to know they truth.

Thank you for all of your prayers.  We’ll do our best to keep you informed on what is going on here.

God bless!

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