Monday, 25 February 2013 00:00

Sunday School (Another Blessing) (Serge) 2/18/13

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Last Sunday our team hosted our very 1st Sunday school class for all of the Burmese children that the Avoda truck brings to their location so they could teach them English and the Bible.

But these children still live with their parents (in those Burmese camps that we posted earlier) and after the lessons and a good meal, they are taken back. It’s a sacrifice from Avoda to do all this, and not only this, but also throughout the week keep bringing them to Avoda in the evening for evening English lessons. They are doing everything that is in their power to teach these children so they could have a better future.

**THESE ARE PICTURES OF OUR 1ST SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS** (notice the number of children)

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So the next Sunday was supposed to be the 2nd Sunday school day that we host with our team (separate from the main service), and before we started, (something amazing happened!!!)…3 scooters rolled in through the gate full of school girls! :D

These are the girls from THAI SCHOOLS where our girls teach English! You might say: “This is nothing special”. Believe me…in Thailand…this is as SPECIAL as it gets!!!  :D  Children from Schools know that Avoda is Christian school and they KNOW that we teach the Bible here and they were told by teachers in the past and by monks NOT to go to Avoda school, so many don’t dare to even step their foot on the Avoda property.

But that morning 3 FULL SCOOTERS OF GIRLS pulled in!!! We were shocked all when we saw this…so was Raimund, and he then showed us that same instant how valuable that is.


That is 100% work of our Almighty God!!! He can move and change hearts and He can do things that we cannot understand!

Our girls invite students from public schools to come on Sunday to our service every week, but children reply with at “no, no”.  :(

But this week God brought us many new girls. Our Sunday Class DOUBLED in size!!! In just 3 weeks!!! Wow! God is amazing!

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So they stayed for the whole class where they could learn English, play games, listen to a missionary story, sing Christian songs, learn about teamwork, and play some ball games outside, all followed by a very tasty lunch.  :P

We all had fun. And we gave out prizes to those girls who (this week) brought someone new to the class.

So please, PLEASE pray that God will work in the hearts of all the children who came, and that they will dare to come back again and even bring some more of their friends with them.

Pray that God will give us wisdom how to plan out the lessons so that these children could receive each time a small grain of God’s seed planted in their hearts and for them to keep coming back for more.

And when Raimund and I were standing and watching the whole Sunday school class play outside, I was shocked when he said:

Behold, this IS the next English-speaking church in Thailand

Pray to God that it will be so!

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(I’m just adding this following information 1 week after the above post )

This Sunday those girls on scooters from public schools came back again!  (Praise the Lord!) But this time they brought more of their friends from school and this Sunday 2/24/13  not three, but FOUR scooters of girls showed up!  Wow! Praise the Lord for His work.

Please PRAY so these girls will continue to come on regular basis (so this would not be a result of just some  curiosity).

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