Tuesday, 05 February 2013 00:00

Thank You for Praying (Serge) 2/5/13

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We all wanted to say huge thank you for everyone who is praying for us to learn Thai.

It’s going well. But please continue to pray. It has only been 1 week (and we learned all the Consonants already). The letters are very unusual and need a lot of practice in writing them. Practice, practice & more practice makes them so much easier to remember. :)

And this weekend when I got a chance to go out to town with our friend Ee from Avoda, I actually ordered my own meal by READING the name of the dish in Thai!  Yeah! That’s pretty cool! I was proud of myself & so thankful for all the prayers and the good Thai teacher that we have.  :P

Thank you for your prayers.

Thank you teacher Ploi.



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