Friday, 01 February 2013 00:00

The Power of Prayer (Natalia)

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I know Serge has posted a few things about us learning the Thai language…well I wanted to share with you the latest news. Since Monday, Ploi has been teaching us the 44 consonants. This morning, we had a test on them (dun dun dun.) We had to be able to differentiate the sound AND remember how each letter was written. Not an easy task! However, we definitely felt the Lord’s blessing when all five of us received A’s!!!! Thank you all so much for your prayers!!! God is definitely answering them.


Next on the list, 26 vowels and the 5 tones :) with God on our side, I feel we’ll be reading and writing in Thai in no time! God’s many blessings to you! -Natasha

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